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  • James Richardson Granada, Španielsko
    • Po prvé a predovšetkým - koho môžete vymenovať ako najlepšieho fotografa vo vašom meste? :)

      The best photographer doesn't exist, only styles! Today there are so many photographers, and each one has their own style. As long as you work hard to constantly grow and push yourself then you will be happy, your clients will be happy and you will become a great photographer.

    • Aké by mal mať zákazník kritérium pri výbere fotografa?

      To select the photographer via his/her work and style and not the price, with out forgetting that they must connect.

    • Ako ste sa dostali do fotografického priemyslu?

      You could say that it was hidden away inside me for a long time. Without realising I have always had a camera to hand since I was little. Love my dads Canon 650 EOS and always used to take it off his hands. Never thought that it would turn out to be something that I loved doing.

    • Ste fotogenický?

      To be honest, no not really. That is why I hide behind the camera :P

    • Aké sú podľa vás najdôležitejšie súčasti dobrej fotografie?

      A good photo has to have life in it. If a photo does not have a penetrating look, or the calmness of a smile, then for me that photo is not natural enough and that is what I always look for in my wedding photos.

    • Máte radi cestovanie?

      I love new and unknown territories, this make you push your skills and ideas to the limits and keeps you improving. I have several trips lined up this year and cant wait to work somewhere new. And if it is for vacactional purpose, then without a doubt, but I can assure you that my camera will never leave my side.

    • Čo máte najradšej na vašej profesii?

      The reaction when I hand my work in and the happiness it brings. I will love photography no matter what, and will always love it no matter what people say about my work. All photographers want to exceed their expectations, improve, update themselves, master new techniques, and we are very perfectionist when it comes down to our own work, so it is a fantastic feeling when others congratulate you on your efforts.

    • Čo sa vám páči najmenej na vašej profesii?

      Nothing, I came from a financial work environment with a stressful background to something that I dreamt about doing for a long time. And when you manage to do something you dream about there will be some down moments but you remember what you are doing and why you are doing it, and that motivating crawls right back in and you thrive again.

    • Ako zvládate kritiku?

      Constructive criticism helps me improve, mature and evolve. There is always a positive way of looking at things, and criticism can be broken down and used in a positive manner.

    • Aká bude budúcnosť fotenia?

      Well who knows, it is constantly changing and there are so many different styles and techniques to choose from. But hopefully, it will become less fictional and more natural.

    • Čomu sa určite vyhnúť pri práci?

      Pressure on the bride and groom. In order to take the best and most natural shots we need the bride and groom to be as relaxed as possible. And also mobile and table devises. There are numerous of occasions when the groom could not see the bride walking down the isle due to the amount of people leaning out with their phones and tables.

    Nikon Z 6II
  • Mel Dolorico Manila, Filipíny
    • Po prvé a predovšetkým - koho môžete vymenovať ako najlepšieho fotografa vo vašom meste? :)

      There are lot of good photographers in Manila.. I mean a lot! it's very hard to pick one.

    • Aké by mal mať zákazník kritérium pri výbere fotografa?

      Quality and skills.

    • Ako ste sa dostali do fotografického priemyslu?

      After I left my previous work (i'm an engineer). I decided to go full-time in photography, that was 5 years ago. Back then, I tried different genres of photography (street, landscape, product, etc.) But later on, focused on wedding and portrait photography because it has been my bread and butter since I left my previous job.

    • Ste fotogenický?

      Yes, i guess. lol

    • Aké sú podľa vás najdôležitejšie súčasti dobrej fotografie?

      Composition, Story and Color grading.

    • Máte radi cestovanie?

      I don't travel a lot but i'm definitely in for some adventure!

    • Čo máte najradšej na vašej profesii?

      I really love it when the client really appreciates what you do for them, takes all the exhaustion and weariness in whole day's work. It also feels great to work with other phottographer whom I share the same passion.

    • Čo sa vám páči najmenej na vašej profesii?

      I absolutely hate inconsiderate wedding suppliers, well i have no choice but to deal with them and act professional.

    • Ako zvládate kritiku?

      If it's constructive criticism, i will gladly accept it but if not, I just have to leave them alone.

    • Aká bude budúcnosť fotenia?

      Hahaha! I absolutely have no idea. LOL

    • Čomu sa určite vyhnúť pri práci?

      Uhhmmm... overexposed photos, and back focused photos

    Nikon D700
  • Ruud Claessen Maastricht, Holandsko
    • Aké by mal mať zákazník kritérium pri výbere fotografa?

      1) Do you like the photographer's work? 2) Do you like the photographer? Simple as that.

    • Ako ste sa dostali do fotografického priemyslu?

      In 2008, I was already doing amateur photography for a couple of year. To do something different for a change, I asked my uncle if I could photograph his wedding. It was his second marriage, they were not asking for a photographer, so there was little risk. I ended up liking it so much, that I decided to do it more.

    • Ste fotogenický?

      No! I much rather be behind a camera.

    • Aké sú podľa vás najdôležitejšie súčasti dobrej fotografie?

      Above all, the photo has to have a certain impact. Wether that's an intense emotion, a good vibe, or just a spectaculair visual impact. After that comes the technical part. So a good lighting, composition, etcetera. But for me, the impact is the most important part, by far.

    • Máte radi cestovanie?

      Yes, but with moderation though. I'd love to do 3-5 destination weddings a year. I don't think I'd enjoy doing 10, 15 or even more.

    • Čo máte najradšej na vašej profesii?

      It sounds like a horrible cliché, but it's true: Every wedding is different. You never really know what's going to happen. Surprises can happen at every moment. Besides that, I think it's a great honor to be asked to create lifelong memories for the people that are getting married. 5, 10, 25 or even 50 years after they get married, people still remember who took their wedding photos. It's pretty wonderful that you can be an important part in people's lives.

    • Čo sa vám páči najmenej na vašej profesii?

      Basically: The postprocessing. I have a horrible concentration when it comes to editing. I love editing my 50-75 favorites from a wedding, but after that, it gets hard for me to keep focused.

    • Ako zvládate kritiku?

      I try to extract what people really mean with their comments. Some people have difficulties in finding the right words to give feedback, sometimes making them sound rude. But I always try to figure out what's the real message there.

    • Čomu sa určite vyhnúť pri práci?

      'Allowed' is a big word. I'm not the one to say what's allowed or not. However, I don't like to unnecessarily intervene in a wedding. With the exception of the posed shots, I don't like having to tell people what to do, where to stand or how to look.

    • Aká bude budúcnosť fotenia?

      I think the future of wedding photography will be a further evolution of the direction it's going in right now. More journalistic stuff, more moments. But besides that: technical advances. Faster camera's, better low light capabilities, and other accessories like drones, light field cameras, and stuff like that, giving photographers even more tools to being creative.

    • Čo je výnimočné na žánri fotografií, na ktorý sa špecializujete?

      I love many aspects of it. I love the fact that people are in a good mood, they take the time to look good as well. People get married in beautiful venues, and you as a photographer gets to be a part of so many people's special day. That's amazing.

    Nikon D750