Redzēts pirms 7 dienām

Fotogrāfs Mark Wallis


Redzēts pirms 7 dienām

Londona, Apvienotā Karaliste PRO

MyWed 10 gadiem
Es varu sazināties angļu, franču Londona, Apvienotā Karaliste Mark Wallis +44 7841 703111


  • Vai Tu esi fotogēnisks?

    Not really, mainly because I pull stupid faces when I find myself on the wrong side of the camera.

  • Kā tu nokļuvi fotogrāfijas jomā?

    The old story of the couple with no money, an old uni friend with a decent camera and a firm agreement that there’d be no posed photos.

  • Kuri, Tavuprāt, ir svarīgākie labas fotogrāfijas elementi?

    For me it’s all about the genuine moment, captured without any intervention by the photographer. A moment that would have happened even if the photographer wasn’t there. A moment of action, emotion, great light, etc.

  • Vai Tu mīli ceļošanu?

    I do, but in comfort. I’m more of a city person than a wilderness person.

  • Kas Tev vislabāk patīk savā profesijā?

    Working for myself and (kinda) gatecrashing parties.

  • Kas Tavā profesijā Tev patīk vismazāk?

    The assumption by some that I’m at the wedding to take control of everything and to take boring, posed photos of the guests.

  • Kāda būs fotogrāfijas nākotne?

    Not sure I even know what the ‘present’ of wedding photography is. I just do what I do and hope enough people each year want that.

  • Kā Tu uztver kritiku?

    Depends who it’s coming from and how constructive it is.

  • Vai fotogrāfijā ir kādas īpašas tendences?

    Always somebody doing something that everybody else copies until something else comes along. Trends get old quickly (see ‘couple in rain with flashgun’, etc.)

  • Kādi ir kritēriji, kas klientam jāņem vērā, izvēloties fotogrāfu?

    Approach is key for me. They either want to just get on and enjoy their wedding and have a record of it, or they want to spend the day modelling for pieces of art or fashion photography (or somewhere in between). A connection with the photographer’s portfolio, and a desire to see themselves in those images, is a good guide.

  • Kādus parasti nepamanītus brīžus var notvert fotogrāfs?

    I don’t think there is anything specific. A good wedding photographer will have an eye for a moment or an interesting composition or great light that most won’t have, but the key thing is that when you’re employed to shoot a wedding you approach it from a different angle to a friend or family member who is there to enjoy the wedding. I am paid to be observant. Plus, I see what the common people are doing. I’m there to photograph everybody, not just the couple.

  • Kurš cilvēks, Tavuprāt, varētu būt 21. gadsimta simbols?

    For me, whoever does the most to increase education and encourage the use of reason and logic in decision-making from the top to the bottom of social and political hierarchy.

  • Ko Tu vēlētos fotogrāfēt?

    Anybody that trusts me completely and who will ignore me.

  • Vai Tev ir kādi profesionālie tabu?

    I won’t work for people or companies that I perceive to be helping to make the world a worse place.

  • Ar ko Tu kopā vēlētos fotogrāfēt?

    Nobody. I like working alone.

  • Par ko Tu satraucies un kāpēc?

    Time and money and my misguided perception that I have a shortage of both.

  • Kas ir Tavas dzīves iespaidīgakais brīdis?

    Completing this interview.

  • Ja Tu būtu multfilmas, grāmatas vai filmas varonis, kurš tas būtu un kāpēc?

    Butthead from Beavis & Butthead, because he.. he… he. You said would. He.. he…

  • Kas Tevi iedvesmo dzīvē un kāpēc?

    I’m not good at absorbing or recognising inspiration.

  • Vai Tev labāk patīk tikt mīlētam vai tikt cienītam?

    Depends who is doing the liking and respecting.

  • Kas ir lielākā kļūda, ko Tu esi pieļāvis darbā?

    Running up the stairs of Marylebone Town Hall with a zoom lens precariously perched in a jacket pocket didn’t end well.

  • Kad Tu plāno ceļot, ko Tu ņem līdzi un kāpēc?

    Clothes, money, phone, a camera of some sort.

  • Vai kāda ierīcēm (gadžetiem), kas Tev pieder, ir tāda, kuru Tev nebūtu vajadzējis pirkt? Kāpēc?

    A Panasonic GF1 that I barely used and that my wife dropped and damaged after I’d had it for a couple of weeks. I don’t get on with cameras without viewfinders.

  • Kā Tu mācies, lai uzņemtu arvien labākas fotogrāfijas?

    Take more pictures.

  • Kuri darbi Tevi kā fotogrāfu ir visvairāk iedvesmojuši?

    Nobody specific, but seeing in 2004/2005 that a documentary approach was a viable option for wedding photography was the push I needed to start doing it myself.

  • Ko Tu vēlies pastāstīt ar savām fotogrāfijām?

    The truth.

  • Kas Tevi motivē turpināt uzņemt fotogrāfijas?

    People keep paying me to come to their weddings.

  • Vai Tavi vecāki bija stringri vai netik stingri?

    My mum got it pretty much spot on.

  • Ja Tu varētu ceļot atpakaļ laikā, ko Tu darītu savādāk?

    I would make better use of my enquiring mind and study science or engineering, so that I could be of more use to the world and future generations.

  • Ko Tu domā par dzīvi uz citām planētām?

    Presumably, but we’ll wipe out life on our own planet before we make contact with life on others.

  • Kas ir Tavi varoņi?

    I don’t really have any. They’d only ruin it at some point.

  • Ko Tu necieni?

    Those who promote fear, intolerance and lies to feed their own greed.

  • Ko Tu dari brīvajā laikā?

    I do DIY, or I play my ukulele, or I go to (mostly metal) gigs or I do a crossword.

  • Kuru Tavu pusi citi nekad neredz?

    Most of my sides. I’m a fairly private person.

  • Kad Tu esi pilnībā apmierināts ar savu darbu?

    Dunno, it hasn’t happened yet.

  • Vai Tu tici tradicionālajam lomu sadalījumam starp vīrieti un sievieti?

    Like most traditions, best left in the past. Live and let live.

  • Vai Tu vienkārši sadraudzējies?

    I really don’t. I’m friendly and approachable and I get on with most people, but I’ve been burnt too many times so I keep most people at a few arms’ length.

  • Kur Tu vēlētos dzīvot?

    In a huge warehouse apartment in NYC, or in a cosy old manor house surrounded by a few acres, or on top of a hill in Scotland.

  • Vai pastāv dzīve pēc kāzām?

    It’s just a certificate and a great party. As you were.

  • Vai Tev ir mīļākais joks? Pastāsti to mums.

    “Some people like cats and some people don't. Apparently the Pope's a cataholic.” Milton Jones

  • Kas Tev patīk labāk - kaķi vai suņi?

    I prefer cats to dogs, but I don’t like the damage they do to your house, so am currently resisting my family’s desire to own one.

  • Vai ir kaut kas vai kāds, ko Tu ienīsti?

    Overuse of hate.

  • Labākā lieta dzīvē ir:

    Freedom. And Five Guy’s Bacon Cheeseburger, All The Way.

  • Kaitinošākā lieta dzīvē ir:

    Procrastination. And people constantly changing speed on the motorway when I’m using cruise control.

  • Ko Tu gribētu mainīt sevī?

    I’d like to have more self-belief.

  • Ko Tu vēlētos mainīt pasaulē?

    I’d like to ensure everyone gets a quality education and eradicate dependence on myth, legend and violence.

  • Kādi būtu Tavi padomi jaunajiem fotogrāfiem?

    Take your own (decent) food, and wear comfortable shoes.

  • Ja uz zemes nolaistos citplanētieši un Tu būtu pirmais, ko viņi satiktu, ko Tu viņiem teiktu?

    That I want a ride in their spaceship.

  • Ja Tev būtu iespēja uzņemt filmu, kāda žanra filma tā būtu?

    A very dark and gory horror film.

  • Rīt es aiziešu un izdarīšu...

    …something less boring instead.