Naposledy aktívny dlhú dobu dozadu

Fotograf Tom Wishart


Naposledy aktívny dlhú dobu dozadu

Swanage, Spojené kráľovstvo 

4 roky na MyWed
Rozprávam jazykmi: angličtina Swanage, Spojené kráľovstvo Tom Wishart +44 7949 182953


  • Po prvé a predovšetkým - koho môžete vymenovať ako najlepšieho fotografa vo vašom meste? :)

    I'd have to put my hand on heart and name Murray and Myself as the best wedding photographers in Swanage

  • Ste fotogenický?

    Oh hell no, but the more time I spend in front of the camera the better I am at having my photograph taken

  • Ako ste sa dostali do fotografického priemyslu?

    I am the son of a photography teacher, discovering my passion for photography and playing with pinhole cameras at the age of three. He was then trained as a photojournalist and found that shooting weddings were my ideal creative outlet. As a wedding photographer I can combine so many different aspects and techniques into my work. I have since developed a passion for capturing people’s natural characters and emotions as well as incorporating experimental photographic techniques into my wedding photography.

  • Aké sú podľa vás najdôležitejšie súčasti dobrej fotografie?

    Capturing the true emotion of the moment and conveying it well. If i can produce an image that required looking at more than once to understand it I am happy.

  • Máte radi cestovanie?

    Absolutely, I have spent time travelling around Europe, South America, North America and Australia burning through film and memory cards like there was no tomorrow.

  • Čo máte najradšej na vašej profesii?

    Meeting brides and grooms and being a part of their wonderful weddings. Also being able to work with one of my best friends to create something we are both passionate about.

  • Čo sa vám páči najmenej na vašej profesii?

    The incredibly long and sometimes unsocial hours spent working on images

  • Aká bude budúcnosť fotenia?

    I think the standards of wedding photography will continue to steadily improve as those at the top of their game differentiate themselves from the crowd. I also believe that available technology will have a major impact on the way we work and the equipment we work with.

  • Čo je výnimočné na žánri fotografií, na ktorý sa špecializujete?

    The conveyance of real emotion and the ability to take someone back to the feeling of a certain time and place with an image.

  • Ako zvládate kritiku?

    As a tool to improve

  • Sú nejaké trendy v oblasti fotografie?

    Always, but I believe in keeping them at a considered arms length. I think wedding photography should be timeless, god forbid any of my clients look back at their images and think they look dated.

  • Aké by mal mať zákazník kritérium pri výbere fotografa?

    The quality and style of the images should match the couples requirements but as equally important they should get along like a house on fire. After all we are the only suppliers with a bride and groom for their entire day

  • Čomu sa určite vyhnúť pri práci?

    Interrupting and obtruding the natural flow of a wedding day

  • Aké detaily, ktoré zvyčajne prejdú bez povšimnutia, si môže fotograf všimnúť?

    So many things; relevant little details, unusual compositions, the best of light and colour

  • Čo ovplyvňuje hodnotu fotografie? Aké sú jej prvky?

    How long is a piece of string? Virtually everything influences the value of a photograph and its elements.

  • Ktorá osoba môže byť podľa vás symbolom 21. storočia?

    I don't think any single person can be a symbol for a 100 year period

  • Koho chcete fotografovať?

    Pretty much everything, particularly things that others wouldn't regard as photo worthy when they really are

  • Máte nejaké profesionálne tabu?


  • S kým by ste chceli fotografovať?

    Murray- and I do!

  • Čoho sa obávate a prečo?

    Not a lot- I'm a pretty happy go lucky kinda guy

  • Aký bol váš najpôsobivejší okamih v živote?

    Witnessing the birth of my children – there's no way I could have achieved that!

  • Kto vás vo vašom živote inšpiruje a prečo?

    A multitude of things and people, but mainly being in the outdoor and nature

  • Ako definujete úspech? Ako ho meriate?

    By happiness and how much i feel

  • Boli by ste radšej obľúbení alebo rešpektovaní?

    A or B – surely it's A and B

  • Ako sa vzdelávate, aby ste robili lepšie fotografie?

    With constant research, learning, experimentation and collaboration

  • Koho práca vás ovplyvnila najviac ako fotografa?

    Bill Brandt, Andreas Gursky, Cartier-Bresson, my mother, Martin Parr, Murray Lambert

  • Jedna vec, ktorú by ste chceli vedieť, keď ste začínali s fotením?

    How to run a business

  • Čo vás motivuje v ďalšom fotografovaní?

    The joy I feel creating and delivering them

  • Mali byť vaši rodičia menej alebo viac prísni?


  • Čo robíte vo svojom voľnom čase?

    Mountain Biking, Camping, Exploring, Surfing, Cooking, Drumming

  • Veríte v tradičné role mužov a žien?


  • Získavate ľahko nových priateľov?


  • Kde by ste radi žili?

    By the sea in Dorset

  • Existuje život po svadbe?

    A lot of it and it just keeps on gettign better

  • Máte obľúbený vtip? Povedzte nám ho.

    Dwarf Shortage

  • Máte radi psy alebo mačky?

    I love both but have a large black dog ATM

  • Najlepšia vec v živote je:

    working for yourself

  • Najviac znepokojujúca vec v živote je:

    working for yourself

  • Môžete dať niekoľko tipov pre fotografov, ktorí práve začínajú?

    Learn from others mistakes and seek guidance from those with expertise and experience

  • Keby prišli na našu planétu mimozemšťania a vy by ste boli prvou osobou, s ktorou sa stretnú, čo by ste im povedali?

    We are mostly harmless

  • Ak by ste mali natočiť film, aký žáner by to bol?

    Anything but horror (I have an overactive imagination)