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Fotograf Tom Wishart


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Swanage, Storbritannia 

4 år hos MyWed
Jeg kan snakke engelsk Swanage, Storbritannia Tom Wishart +44 7949 182953


  • Først og fremst, hvem vil du si er den beste fotografen i Swanage, Storbritannia? :)

    I'd have to put my hand on heart and name Murray and Myself as the best wedding photographers in Swanage

  • Er du fotogen?

    Oh hell no, but the more time I spend in front of the camera the better I am at having my photograph taken

  • Hvordan ble du en del av fotografbransjen?

    I am the son of a photography teacher, discovering my passion for photography and playing with pinhole cameras at the age of three. He was then trained as a photojournalist and found that shooting weddings were my ideal creative outlet. As a wedding photographer I can combine so many different aspects and techniques into my work. I have since developed a passion for capturing people’s natural characters and emotions as well as incorporating experimental photographic techniques into my wedding photography.

  • Hva er de viktigste komponentene i et bra bilde etter din mening?

    Capturing the true emotion of the moment and conveying it well. If i can produce an image that required looking at more than once to understand it I am happy.

  • Er du glad i å reise?

    Absolutely, I have spent time travelling around Europe, South America, North America and Australia burning through film and memory cards like there was no tomorrow.

  • Hva liker du best med yrket ditt?

    Meeting brides and grooms and being a part of their wonderful weddings. Also being able to work with one of my best friends to create something we are both passionate about.

  • Hva liker du minst med yrket ditt?

    The incredibly long and sometimes unsocial hours spent working on images

  • Hvordan ser fremtiden ut for fotografering?

    I think the standards of wedding photography will continue to steadily improve as those at the top of their game differentiate themselves from the crowd. I also believe that available technology will have a major impact on the way we work and the equipment we work with.

  • Hva er det spesielle med den fotografisjanger du har spesialisert deg i?

    The conveyance of real emotion and the ability to take someone back to the feeling of a certain time and place with an image.

  • Hvordan takler du kritikk?

    As a tool to improve

  • Finnes det noen trender innen fotografering?

    Always, but I believe in keeping them at a considered arms length. I think wedding photography should be timeless, god forbid any of my clients look back at their images and think they look dated.

  • Hva bør kriteriene være for en kunde som skal velge en fotograf?

    The quality and style of the images should match the couples requirements but as equally important they should get along like a house on fire. After all we are the only suppliers with a bride and groom for their entire day

  • Hvilke ting er absolutt ikke tillatt under fotograferingen?

    Interrupting and obtruding the natural flow of a wedding day

  • Hvilke detaljer, som vanligvis ingen ville lagt merke til, kan en fotograf fange opp?

    So many things; relevant little details, unusual compositions, the best of light and colour

  • Hva påvirker bildets verdi? Hvilke elementer inneholder det?

    How long is a piece of string? Virtually everything influences the value of a photograph and its elements.

  • Hvilken person kan være symbolet på det 21. århundre etter din mening?

    I don't think any single person can be a symbol for a 100 year period

  • Hvem kunne du tenkt deg å fotografere?

    Pretty much everything, particularly things that others wouldn't regard as photo worthy when they really are

  • Har du noen yrkesmessige tabuer?


  • Hvem kunne du tenkt deg å fotografere sammen med?

    Murray- and I do!

  • Hva bekymrer deg, og hvorfor?

    Not a lot- I'm a pretty happy go lucky kinda guy

  • Hva er det mest imponerende øyeblikket i livet ditt?

    Witnessing the birth of my children – there's no way I could have achieved that!

  • Hvem inspirerer deg i ditt liv, og hvorfor?

    A multitude of things and people, but mainly being in the outdoor and nature

  • Hvordan definerer du suksess? Hvordan måler du graden av suksess?

    By happiness and how much i feel

  • Foretrekker du å bli likt eller respektert?

    A or B – surely it's A and B

  • Hvordan utdanner du deg for stadig å ta bedre bilder?

    With constant research, learning, experimentation and collaboration

  • Hvem sitt arbeid har inspirert deg mest som fotograf?

    Bill Brandt, Andreas Gursky, Cartier-Bresson, my mother, Martin Parr, Murray Lambert

  • Hva spesifikt skulle du ønske at du visste da du begynte å fotografere?

    How to run a business

  • Hva motiverer deg til å fortsette med fotografering?

    The joy I feel creating and delivering them

  • Skulle foreldrene dine ha vært mer eller mindre strenge?


  • Hva gjør du i fritiden din?

    Mountain Biking, Camping, Exploring, Surfing, Cooking, Drumming

  • Tror du på tradisjonelle manne- og kvinneroller?


  • Har du lett for å få nye venner?


  • Hvor kunne du tenke deg å bo?

    By the sea in Dorset

  • Finnes det et liv etter bryllupet?

    A lot of it and it just keeps on gettign better

  • Har du en favorittspøk? Fortell.

    Dwarf Shortage

  • Liker du hunder eller katter?

    I love both but have a large black dog ATM

  • Det beste i livet er:

    working for yourself

  • Det mest irriterende i livet er:

    working for yourself

  • Kan du komme med noen gode råd til fotografer i startfasen?

    Learn from others mistakes and seek guidance from those with expertise and experience

  • Forestill deg at romvesener ankommer jorda, og at du er den første de treffer. Hva ville du sagt til dem?

    We are mostly harmless

  • Hvis du ble spurt om å spille inn en film, hvilken sjanger ville den være?

    Anything but horror (I have an overactive imagination)