
攝影師 Marina Rygalina



聖克魯斯省, 西班牙 

在MyWed 5 年
我會說英語, 俄語, 波蘭語, 捷克語
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/RxkObnEDbT8ikXhVRwJONLrgpgDfXnp9cYIBk1wtuV6e6TKyvJz7X5DIDRzHNGd-bHLELc76LFORqkYT38DW-p9pzjScd_F75esc 聖克魯斯省, 西班牙 Marina Rygalina +48 666 624 242


  • 首先─您認為誰是聖克魯斯省, 西班牙最優秀的攝影師呢? :)

    I don't know my direct competition, since I am concentrating on my own professional development and growth

  • 您上相嗎?

    I usually look good on pictures if I am not caught off guard:)

  • 您如何開始從事攝影行業?

    I was starting from Sensual Private Sessions, then was drawn into Beauty and Fashion Fields. At some point I was taking part in the shoots for the Wedding Dresses. I was fascinated by the beauty of the dresses, and realised that it is mainly the fairytale effect that I like, and it started showing in my pictures.

  • 您認為一張好照片裡最重要的元素有哪些?

    Emotions, composition, colour palette, light, decor elements

  • 您熱愛旅行嗎?

    Yes, totally exciting. Now I live in a smaller town in the mountains and although it is great as a home, it makes me want to get out once in a while for a search of an adventure and beauty.

  • 您最喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

    Creating Beauty. I see it everywhere and in almost everything and I like to show it through the lens...
    I want other people to see it the way I see it.

  • 您最不喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

    It takes me some time before I can sit on a computer and go through pictures. I can not do it right away after the shoot. I tend to be very excited after the event and am liking everything, without criticism, it is hard to make a selection of the best pictures. But if I come back to them in a week, I tend to cool down with my emotions and I can look at my work objectively already.

  • 攝影的前景如何?

    Drone operated maybe????:)))

  • 您擅長的攝影類型有什麼特別之處?

    The situation is dynamic and you have less time to adjust to the fast changing conditions.

  • 您如何應對批評?

    I am an artist and this is my vision, sensitive as all the artist are, since I am not doing by the book. But I do listen, digest it, learn and adjust.

  • 攝影有什麼潮流?

    There are lots of styles, I wouldn't call it tendencies in photography. It is all very influenced as well by the wedding styles, dresses and decor.

  • 客戶選擇攝影師的標準有哪些?

    Uniqueness, aesthetics and style closest to their vision

  • 拍攝時應該避免哪些事項?

    To intrude, criticise or be negative.

  • 通常不會被注意,但攝影師卻能留意的細節有哪些呢?

    All those secret moments and the sparks between the couple. Also all those little things that took so much time to organise, that might go unnoticed to the unprofessional eye

  • 什麼事物會影響照片的價值?它包含了哪些因素?

    Emotion, composition, color

  • 您認為哪個人可以被視為21世紀的代表人物?

    Social Media

  • 您想拍誰?

    Love Stories
    Wedding Catalogues
    Sensual Shoots

  • 您有任何職業禁忌嗎?

    No. If something looks good and aesthetic, how can it be prohibited?

  • 您想和誰一起拍攝?

    Someone I could benefit from learning, like Lindenberg, Leibowitz, David La Chapelle, and there is many more...

  • 您會擔心什麼?為什麼?

    That batteries go out:)))

  • 您人生中印象最深刻的一刻是什麼?

    The birth of my children:) Life did change after that:)

  • 如果您是個卡通、小說或電影角色,您想成為誰?為什麼?

    Cat Woman:)

  • 誰能在生命中激發您的靈感?為什麼?

    There isn't any in particular...instagram is pretty good source of inspiration:)

  • 您如何定義成功?您會怎麼衡量它?

    When clients are coming back and recommending further.

  • 您是希望被喜愛或是被景仰呢?

    It is harder to earn a respect!

  • 您在工作上犯過最大的錯誤是什麼?

    I don't look at anything as a mistake, it is an experience

  • 當您要去旅行時,您會帶什麼?為什麼?

    When travelling for work I take camera and off camera flash lights. As for leisure time, Iphone is enough, and lots of cloths and cosmetics of course.

  • 在您擁有的物品中,有任何您希望沒買過的嗎?為什麼?

    I was hesitant about which lens to get. I choose 50mm 1,4 lens, which is amazing for portraits, but you have to constantly move with it since it is not a zoom. Not sure if I would change it, but I would love to get an extra zoom lens.
    Some studio lights were not really useful since I prefer to work on the go.

  • 您如何學習拍出更好的照片呢?

    I observe what I like and do everything to figure out how was it done.I also like attending workshops of my favourite photographers cause you tend to see their direct approach and means of how they achieved it. At the end of the day, you also stay with a photo data from real photoshoots to work with later.

  • 身為攝影師,誰的作品對您影響最大?

    Christiano Ostinelli and Tali Photography

  • 哪件事是您希望從開始拍照時就知道的?

    It takes more than talent, mainly the preservance

  • 您想用自己的照片說些什麼?

    Beauty is inside of Us

  • 讓您持續拍照的動力是什麼?

    I want to be the Best in what I do.

  • 您的雙親應該更加或是更不嚴厲呢?

    They should have paid more attention to what I like.

  • 如果能回到過去,您會有什麼不同舉動呢?

    I would have started with photography at much earlier age.

  • 您對在其他星球上的生命有什麼看法呢?

    I believe so:)

  • 誰是您的英雄?

    My husband :)

  • 您不重視誰?

    My farther :(
    Others I can not judge, as their impact on me hasn't been so excruciating

  • 您空閒時會做些什麼?

    Either with family and kids in the mountains doing some sports or by myself and with friends going out in a big city

  • 您的哪一面是公眾不曾看到過的?


  • 您什麼時候會對自己的作品完全滿意?

    As soon as I stopped working on the pictures and submitting them to client.

  • 您認可男女性的傳統角色嗎?

    Yes, I was born in Russia with an Asian mentality, where the Man is the leader. But I was raised in Europe where there is no Gender.

  • 您容易交到朋友嗎?

    I am very friendly in general. But real friends? Not really, since I tend to keep my distance for a while longer.

  • 您希望在哪裡生活?

    I prefer to stay where I am right now and just travel a lot.

  • 您曾同意嘗試過最愚蠢的事是什麼?

    I don't keep the track of those:)))

  • 結婚後還有人生嗎?

    Hard to believe:))) but yes, it does exist:)))
    I am happily married myself for 10 years already.

  • 您有最愛的笑話嗎?請告訴我們。

    Hard One:)

  • 您喜歡狗還是貓?


  • 您討厭誰或什麼?

    Hate is a strong word

  • 人生中最棒的事是:

    Me not having to work in the office for 9 hours a day and doing what I like

  • 人生中最煩人的事是:

    Having to think about money

  • 您的周圍有任何您想改變的事情嗎?

    Living conditions and move into my dream house

  • 您希望改變自己的哪一點?

    To get some super powers:)

  • 您希望改變世界的哪些方面?

    Pollution and Global warming
    Hunger and Poverty

  • 您能為新進攝影師提供一些建議嗎?

    Don't think too much! Go for it! Overthing tends to stop us from doing things.

  • 如果外星人來到地球,而您是他們第一個遇見的人,您會跟他們說什麼?

    Please let me go, I have kids, they need me:)

  • 如果您被邀請去拍攝電影,那會是什麼類型的電影呢?

    Romantic Comedy of course:)

  • 明天我會去做...

    Checking out the venue of the Saturday's Wedding.