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Fotógrafo Anna Rowland


Esteve online pela última vez há muito tempo

Exeter, Reino Unido 

7 anos no MyWed
Eu falo inglês Exeter, Reino Unido Anna Rowland +44 1626 772246


  • Em primeiro lugar - quem é para si o melhor fotógrafo em Exeter, Reino Unido? :)

    I genuinely couldn't tell you for sure.

  • Você é fotogénica(o)?

    No. I really dislike being on the other side of the camera, which is a shame but maybe in time I will feel differently.

  • Como se iniciou na indústria da fotografia?

    It's my life's work – initially I think a friend asked me when I was about 18, it kinda went from there.

  • Em sua opinião, quais são os componentes mais importantes para uma boa fotografia?

    Emotion, composition, heart, light. All equally important and when they come together to create something that speaks to you and makes you take a second look, that's what works for me.

  • Gosta de viajar?

    Infinitely so.

  • O que mais gosta na sua profissão?

    Meeting people and visiting places I otherwise wouldn't have, and the freedom of self-employment.

  • O que menos gosta na sua profissão?

    The degree of uncertainty attached to any form of self-employment I guess.

  • Qual será o futuro da fotografia?

    Hard to say, the standards are very high now. I'd say exactly what it is right now – real moments.

  • O que há de especial para si, no género de fotografia em que se especializou?

    Capturing moments that happen fleetingly to remember always. Creating images that will evoke a memory or feeling of a loved person is the aspect most special to me.

  • Como lida com as críticas?

    Pretty well. I think it's essential to progress. I might not always agree, but I welcome it.

  • Existem tendências na fotografia?

    Always, I try to stay true to what I personally believe in, so I ignore them.

  • Quais deveriam ser os critérios considerados pelo cliente na escolha de um fotógrafo?

    Something they can really feel. I truly think it’s a heart-led thing.

  • O que não é permitido de todo ao fotografar?

    I can't think of anything specific – always work around any potential issues

  • Que detalhes passam habitualmente despercebidos mas nos quais um fotógrafo repara?

    Fleeting expressions

  • O que influencia o valor da foto? Quais são os seus elementos?

    An insight into a character, moment or exchange

  • Na sua opinião, que pessoa poderá ser o símbolo do século XXI?

    I don't have an opinion on that.

  • O quem pretende fotografar?

    People with character. There's no single person I can conjure up in my head and think 'i'd like to take photos of that person'.

  • Tem tabus profissionais?

    Umm, wearing fur, I disagree with that so very much.

  • Com quem gostaria de fotografar?

    No one in particular

  • Com que se preocupa e porquê?

    Professionally I try not to worry and take everything as it comes. Wedding photography always comes with its challenges, the trick is how you deal with them.

  • Qual foi o momento mais impressionante na sua vida?

    Does getting out of bed every morning count? Thought not. Having my son, probably.

  • Que personagem animada, literária ou de um filme gostaria de ser? Porquê?

    Nala from Lion King. No reason, just a cool name and I like lions.

  • Quem o inspira na sua vida e porquê?

    My son, just by being new and cool

  • Como define o sucesso? Como o afere?

    Being happy

  • Gostaria mais de ser amado ou respeitado?

    Either, both, neither

  • Qual foi o maior erro que já cometeu a nível profissional?

    Not planning a route and getting lost pre-ceremony. It only happened once.

  • Quando vai viajar, o que leva consigo e porquê?

    Everything I think I might need and more

  • Está arrependido de ter adquirido algum dos gadgets que possui? Porquê?

    Probably about 60% of it.
    I bought a time-lapse camera for my husband once, it was really expensive and he used it once then it sat and got old and rubbish before he would admit he would never use it again in time for me to sell it. I've always been quite annoyed at him about that. I wonder if he will ever read this...

  • Como aprende a tirar fotos melhores?

    Just by choosing to continue learning, being inspired by work outside of weddings and by being more considered with my frames. I also try not to be too formulaic and complacent. I know my job so well now that I could risk being just that. I think my genuine love for working with people, emotion and light always drives me to create something I'm proud of. I'm not sure i've actually answered that question...

  • Que trabalho mais o influenciou como fotógrafo?

    Its changed vastly over the years. Currently I do my own thing, I couldn't name one person specifically who has influenced me over another.

  • Qual é a coisa que mais gostaria de ter sabido quando começou a fotografar?

    I'm happy with how my career has evolved as it is

  • O que pretende transmitir com as suas fotos?

    These people are real

  • O que o motiva a continuar a fotografar?

    The feedback. Every time. Also light. When I'm without a camera and I see beautiful light I'd want to create an interesting frame with, a little part of me mourns the possibility of what could have been. I usually try to take it in with my eyes and hope I can store it away in my brain for another day when I might have my camera and similar light to play with.

  • Os seus pais deveriam ter sido mais ou menos rigorosos?

    My upbringing wasn't conventional. I'm pretty happy with how life has shaped me though and parenting is just a part of that.

  • Se pudesse regredir no tempo, o que faria de diferente?

    Nothing. Life has been challenging in parts, but had it not been, I wouldn't be who I am now.

  • O que pensa da vida nos outros planetas?

    I'd say it would be naive to assume we are the only ones!

  • Quem são os seus heróis?

    I don't have any as such.

  • A quem é que não respeita?

    People who do not operate kindly and with respect to all living things

  • O que faz nos seus tempos livres?

    I don't really have much spare time, I like to stay busy and there's always something to do.

  • Qual é o seu lado que o público nunca vê?

    My introverted/shy side, which is the real me. This seems a funny question, like I'm famous. Alas I am not. I have no public. I have a few close friends who know the real me, when at work I guess I created a persona I can hide behind to a degree.

  • Quando é que fica completamente satisfeito com o seu trabalho?

    Never. I always want to be better

  • Acredita nos papéis tradicionais reservados ao homem e à mulher?

    I believe we should all be whatever we want to be, regardless of gender stereotypes. In my household the 'traditional' roles are reversed in many senses. I've never personally felt I have had to fall within any gender stereotypes. I guess I like my husband to put the bins out, but then I do the car maintenance. I think what I'm trying to say is no.

  • Faz amigos com facilidade?

    With some people its easy, with others I immediately decide it's not and so I don't tend to pursue them. I'm shy so this narrows down the whole 'new friends' possibilities as I don't tend to approach people.

  • Onde gostaria de viver?

    New Zealand

  • Qual foi a coisa mais estúpida que concordou em fazer?

    I don't think I have really done anything too stupid. I'm cautious, but can be easily led astray to do things that may be unwise, not so much stupid.

  • Existe vida depois do casamento?

    Of course

  • Tem uma anedota favorita? Conte-nos.

    I don't retell jokes well

  • Gosta de cães e gatos?

    Cats, but I have and love both, so both, I should say, but mostly cats

  • A quem ou o que odeia?


  • A melhor coisa na vida é:

    Love, then tea.

  • A coisa mais irritante na vida é:

    Don't start me, there's more than one. If pushed, I'd have to say a half-full bottle of water rolling around in my (car) passenger footwell, that's basically hell. Half-full because it makes more of a sloshy sound to add to the annoyance.

  • Existe algo em seu redor que gostaria de mudar?

    Attitudes, and ignorance.

  • O que gostaria de mudar em si próprio?

    Nothing, and yet everything. That’s not an easily answered question :)

  • O que gostaria de mudar no mundo?

    Greed, war, politics, animal cruelty. The world needs more changes than I can fit in this box

  • Pode dar algumas dicas para fotógrafos principiantes?

    Watch everything, work hard, slow down, understand people, accept challenges will happen, find your own vision, and love what you do.

  • Caso os alienígenas viessem para a Terra, e fosse a primeira pessoa a encontrá-los, o que lhes diria?

    Be kind

  • Se fosse chamado para fazer um filme, que género escolheria?

    No doubt some kind of weird indie film

  • Amanhã eu vou fazer...

    I'm shooting a wedding.