Paskutinį kartą matytas prieš ilgą laiką

Fotografas Anna Červinková


Paskutinį kartą matytas prieš ilgą laiką

Edinburgas, Jungtinė Karalystė 

9 metai MyWed
Aš kalbu anglų, vokiečių, čekų, lenkų, slovakų Edinburgas, Jungtinė Karalystė Anna Červinková +44 7553 010939


  • Kaip jūs atsiradote fotografijos industrijoje?

    Someone asked me once to shoot their wedding.. haven't stopped since & it's been now over 7 years.

  • Jūsų nuomone, kokie yra svarbiausi geros nuotraukos komponentai?

    Feelings. I love when my photos help people to recall their precious moments or even people who were absent on the occasion can sense the essence of it. A good photo should speak to them all.

  • Ar mėgstate keliauti?

    I do. A LOT.

  • Kas šioje profesijoje Jums patinka labiausiai?

    I love going to places and meeting new people on one of the most important days in their life. The emotions are almost tangible! Sometimes we meet just briefly in the hurry of the day, but I love to blend with the crowd and be a silent observer of all the beauty and joy around.

  • Kas šioje profesijoje Jums patinka mažiausiai?

    Editing cave.. spending weeks in row to edit and deliver the images as I do all my editing. But on the other hand I love when I download the images right after the shoot and spend just hours experimenting with edits and swooning over new photos!

  • Kaip susitvarkote su kritika?

    I love to recieve feedback, learn form it and grow!

  • Kokie turėtų būti kliento kriterijai, kad pasirinkti fotografą?

    How connected they feel to the photos and stories he/she shares.

  • Kokių dalykų turi būti vengiama fotografuojant?

    Everything that suits the couple is allowed. As for me, I request to be the only photographer (with my co-shooter) during the ceremony, so wedding guests can be fully present and enjoy the ceremony.

  • Kokias detales, kurios paprastai būna nepastebėtos, gali pastebėti fotografas?

    I love catching those candid moments, non staged or posed – kids running around, people interacting, small details which make the wedding story so honest.

  • Koks žmogus Jūsų manymu galėtų būti 21 amžiaus simboliu?

    Every single one. This century is more than ever before focused on individuality and with the spread of social media every single person matters and can have a voice.

  • Ar turite profesinių tabu?

    I would never publish something uncomfortable for the model.

  • Su kuo norėtumėte kartu fotografuoti?

    Everyone who wants to create something together. I love people contributing and helping with the shoot. Sometimes I wonder that the final image doesn't belong to a photographer at all with all those talented people in the background.

  • Dėl ko nerimaujate ir kodėl?

    Meaning of life and such things, usual stuff.

  • Kas yra įsimintiniausias dalykas nutikęs Jūsų gyvenime?

    Everytime I set on a journey into unknown.

  • Jeigu būtumėte animacinio filmo, knygos arba filmo veikėju, kuo norėtumėte būti ir kodėl?

    I just love Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. So mysterious yet so kind and wise.

  • Kaip Jūs apibrėžtumėte sėkmės terminą? Kaip ją "matuojate"?

    Success is when a person loves what you do. And it can be your grandma, your parents or boyfriend, random people on the internet or big crowds. No matter how 'big' these people are, if what you do speaks to others, that is success. Some people just crawl for bigger success and don't realize how successful and gifted they already are or what they're missing on.

  • Kuomet keliaujate, ką ir kodėl imate su savimi?

    As little as possible. And that apply to life as well. After all, what is life than one big travel?
    On my travels I realised, that the less you carry, the less you have to care about, the more you can immerse into the everyday experience instead. (For example – one pair of the trousers&one dress makes outfit choices so much easier.)

  • Kaip mokotės gauti kokybiškesnes nuotraukas?

    Constantly learning from every picture I take, from pictures taken by others and by simly looking around and observing. Training your eye is the key.

  • Išskirkite vieną dalyką kurį būtumėte norėjęs žinoti prieš pradedant fotografo karjerą?

    How extremely important it is to shoot RAW.

  • Ką norite pasakyti savo nuotraukomis?

    My photographs are far from saying, they're more about feeling. I hope.

  • Kas motyvuoja Jus toliau fotografuoti?

    Visual fascination.

  • Jeigu galėtumėte grįžti į praeitį, ką darytumėte kitaip?

    Nothing, because it wouldn't make me the person I am today. I don't really recognize mistakes in my life, it's just life, learning and trying, failing and improving.

  • Kas yra jūsų herojai?

    There might come a row of fantasy characters. Am I too old for that?

  • Kam nejaučiate pagarbos?

    For authorities. We're all human and sometimes school kid can have more wisdom than politician or teacher.

  • Ką veikite laisvalaikiu?

    Sleep, ride my bike or walk in nature.

  • Ar tikite tradicinėmis vyrų ir moterų rolėmis?

    Being human.

  • Labiau mėgstate šunis ar kates?

    Cats cats cats cats cats cats cats!

  • Geriausias dalykas gyvenime yra:
