Viimati nähtud kaua aega tagasi

Fotograaf Erik Kruthoff


Viimati nähtud kaua aega tagasi

Dorado, Puerto Rico 

5 aastat MyWedis
Keeled, mida ma räägin: inglise, itaalia, hispaania Dorado, Puerto Rico Erik Kruthoff +1 939-428-4327


  • Ennekõike - keda sa nimetaksid parimaks fotograafiks oma linnas? :)

    I believe there is no set of criteria to judge who is "best". Different people want different things in their wedding photos and the goal is to find the best match for what you are looking for. I do know that I am good at what I do. If you like my style and vision than I am the best for you. All artists have to have at least a little bit of ego ;)

  • Kas sa oled fotogeenne?

    A mentor of mine, Magnum Photographer David Alan Harvey, once taught me how to "see myself" in my work. If you are true to your inner voice and vision, you should be able to look at a photograph and instantly tell who made it. Good photography is a collaborative effort between the photographer and the subject. So, I guess the answer is yes :)

  • Kuidas sa sattusid fotograafiamaailma?

    As a high school student I spent as much time in the dark room as possible, learning the craft of photography: Shooting, developing, and printing my own work on black and white film. My teacher identified a talent in me early on and I eventually came to make a career out of it. I couldn't ask for much more than making my passion into my job.

  • Mis on sinu arvates hea foto kõige olulisead komponendid?

    It's a combination of three elements working in concert with one another: Light, composition, and moment. A good photo will elicit an emotional response from the viewer.

  • Kas sulle meeldib reisida?

    Always! I am not a notch-in-the-belt type of traveler, though. I don't operate on a bucket list and instead prefer more meaningful travel and making human and cultural connections with the people and places I encounter. I enjoy a night at the pub chatting with locals over seeing a tour-bus tourist crowded monument or famous attraction.

  • Mis sulle sinu töö juures kõige rohkem meeldib?

    Capturing special moments and memories that will be looked at and enjoyed for many years to come.

  • Mis sulle sinu töö juures kõige vähem meeldib?

    Not really. Even during more challenging parts, I love to come up with solutions, be flexible and try new things.

  • Millisena näed sa fotograafia tulevikku?

    I don't think it will change too much. Sure, trends will change but no camera or gadget or software can ever replace an artist's eye.

  • Mis on sinu fotograafiažanris erilist?

    The pressure. You only have one shot at it and you never know what will be thrown your way. You have to be quick thinking and ready to adapt in any situation.

  • Kuidas sa suhtud kriitikasse?

    When I was younger, not well. Now that I am a bit older and have a family, I have learned the value of keeping my mouth shut and becoming a better listener.

  • Kas fotograafias on teatud trende?

    I think too many wedding photographers go into a wedding with their own agenda. The have a shot list that they must do every time and think about their own portfolio instead of listening to the clients wants and personalities.

  • Millised peaksid fotograafi valides olema kliendi kriteeriumid?

    Ask to see entire galleries from a recent REAL wedding. Instagram and social media only showcase the best, most over the top images and many times come from stylized shoots of models. Have a meeting with them ahead of time to get to know each other. It's important to have this relationship.

  • Mida pildistades kindlasti ei tohiks teha?

    Anything goes for me as long as it doesn't offend or hurt anyone. You have to be able to read the crowd and understand the sensibilities of your clients.

  • Mis võiksid olla need detailid, millele tavaliselt tähelepanu ei pöörata, kuid mida fotograaf võib märgata?

    Often times the best picture is behind the obvious action. I stay aware and on my toes to capture these little gems whenever possible.

  • Mis teeb fotost väärtusliku? Mis elemendid on olulised?

    A good photo makes an emotional connection with the viewer.

  • Milline inimene on sinu arvates 21. sajandi sümbol?

    I have no idea :/ I don't really idolize anyone in particular. I'm just trying to learn who I am and how I can contribute to this world.

  • Keda sa sooviksid pildistada?

    Fun-loving adventurous couples. I have shot celebrities before and just just treat them like regular people. I don't get star struck and think of everyone as unique individuals with their own interesting story to tell.

  • Kas sul on teatud ametialaseid tabusid?

    If your clients like it, it's all good.

  • Kellega koos sa tahaksid pildistada?

    My favorite wedding photographers: Fer Juaristi, Emin Kuliyev, Victor Lax

  • Mille pärast sa muretsed ja miks?

    I try not to worry whenever possible. I think every wedding photographer is a little worried of failure. Once I get the photos on my computer and see that I did my job, that goes away.

  • Mis on olnud su elu kõige kõige muljetavaldavam hetk?

    Meeting my wife and the births of my son and daughter.

  • Kui sa oleksid tegelane multikast, raamatust või filmist, siis kes sa oleksid ja miks?

    Don Quixote

  • Kes sind su elus inspireerib ja miks?

    My two kids, easily.

  • Kuidas sa defineeriksid edu? Kuidas sa seda mõõdad?

    Creating meaningful art and making my clients happy. Always improving your self and honing your skills. There's no end or limit to learning.

  • Kas sa tahaksid, et sa pigem meeldiksid inimestele või et nad austaksid sind?

    Respected. I am very comfortable with who I am and how I work and want to remain true to myself.

  • Mis on suurim viga, mida sa töötades oled teinud?

    Undervaluing the importance of having relationships with other industry professionals.

  • Mida sa endaga reisides kaasa võtad ja miks?

    A change of clothes and my camera. What else do you need?

  • Kas sul on mõni vidin, mida sa omad, aga sooviksid, et poleks ostnud? Miks?


  • Kuidas sa ennast koolitad, et paremaks fotograafiks saada?

    I invest a lot of time in education to further my skills and vision. I study the works of the masters throughout the history of photography. I have been lucky enough to work alongside some of them. I go to at least one workshop each year to stay fresh and inspired to create.

  • Kelle töö on sind kui fotograafi kõige rohkem mõjutanud?

    Fer Juaristi, Emin Kuliyev, Victor Lax, Sam Hurd, Ryan Brenizer, Jose Villa

  • Mis oleks see üks asi, mida sa sooviksid, et oleks teadnud enne fotograafiaga alustamist?

    Painting, Art History.

  • Mida sa oma fotodega öelda soovid?

    A sense of shared humanity and an emotional connection.

  • Mis motiveerib sind fotograafina jätkama?

    Always improving, always searching for the perfect light and the perfect moment.

  • Kas sa arvad, et sinu vanemad oleksid pidanud sinuga olema rangemad või leebemad?

    I love my parents. I wouldn't change a thing.

  • Kui sa saaksid ajas tagasi minna, mida sa teeksid erinevalt?

    Not major in Spanish in college, lol! Everything happens for a reason though and I have no regrets.

  • Kas sa arvad, et teistel planeetidel on elu?

    of course.

  • Kes on su kangelased?

    My mentor and teacher, David Alan Harvey. We share kindred spirits.

  • Keda sa ei austa?

    I'm not a hater and won't even go there :)

  • Mida sa vabal ajal teed?

    Enjoying life with my family, travelling, listening to music, watching films, playing sports.

  • Millist poolt sinust avalikkus kunagi ei näe?

    I am who I am. Don't want to be anything but me.

  • Millal sa oled oma tööga täiesti rahul?

    Once I have the photos loaded into my computer and go over them for the first time and choose images for the sampler gallery to send to the couple.

  • Kas sa usud meeste ja naiste traditsioonilistesse rollidesse?


  • Kas sa leiad kergesti sõpru?


  • Kus sa tahaksid elada?

    On an island in warm weather

  • Kas pärast abielu on elu?


  • Kas sul on lemmiknali? Räägi see meile.

    I still remember what my grandfather told me before he kicked the bucket.He said,
    "I wonder how far I can kick this bucket."

  • Kas sulle meeldivad koerad või kassid?

    Dogs, though I like both.

  • Keda või mida sa vihkad?

    No way. I respect everyone.

  • Parim asi elus on:

    People, nature, and shared human experiences.

  • Kõige ärritavam asi elus on:

    Hate and divisiveness.

  • Kas sa näed oma ümber midagi sellist, mida sa tahaksid muuta?

    Showing people the beauty that's all around us.

  • Mida sa iseenda juures tahaksid muuta?

    Maybe a few years younger? Everything hurts more now, lol!

  • Mida sa maailmas tahaksid muuta?

    To have people see the humanity in those they disagree with.

  • Kas sa võiksid anda mõned näpunäited alustavatele fotograafidele?

    Keep improving yourself.

  • Kui Maale saabuksid tulnukad ja sina oleksid esimene inimene, keda nad kohtaksid, mida sa neile ütleksid?

    Have a beer!

  • Kui sul oleks võimalik vändata film, siis mis žanrist see oleks?


  • Homme hakkan ma...

    I will be attending an open critique at a local art gallery to get feedback on a book I am working on.