Last seen a long time ago

Photographer Gina Stef


Last seen a long time ago

Sibiu, Romania 

9 years on MyWed
I can speak english, italian, spanish, french, romanian. Sibiu, Romania Gina Stef +40 756 377 222


  • Are you photogenic?

    Yes I am, but only when i'm not posing.

  • How did you get in the photography industry?

    I wanted to do something else with my photos, to bring more joy to happy couples.

  • What are the most important components of a good photo in your opinion?

    It has to capture the moment. When the bride cries, when the groom laughs at her or when the people at the wedding just go crazy :)

  • Do you love traveling?

    Absolutely YES! We love meeting new and interesting couples and we're eager to take their photos in an unknown location. This is also a big challenge, to take improvised great photos of them in a place we've never been before.

  • What do you like most about your profession?

    Every wedding is a challenge and we love challenges! Meeting new people and "clicking" on their wedding ideas is great!

  • What do you like least about your profession?

    Sometimes it's the long hours of a wedding here in Romania that get to us, but after all if the newlyweds are still having fun at 2 a.m. in the morning, we'll hop in and have fun with them!

  • What will be the future of photography?

    Nowadays if you don't know Photoshop you're like dead in the water. Photography won't change much, as opposed to the way we as photographers will present the final result to our clients.

  • What is special in the photography genre you specialise at?

    Before any event we always have butterflies in our stomachs and that's a good thing, because it pushes us further. We love the rush of the events and the general happiness of the people attending the wedding.

  • How do you handle criticism?

    We try to prevent it, usually we under-promise and over-deliver. If by any chance our clients are not fully satisfied, we communicate on what's wrong and we try to correct that.

  • Are there any trends in photography?

    The vintage, chabby-chic trends are on fire! And we love them, all the decors give a wedding a great feel!

  • What should be the criteria for a customer to choose a photographer?

    On the initial meeting, they should analyze whether they "click" with the photographer. If you're not on the same mindset, then you might as well find another one.

  • What things are to be avoided when shooting?

    It all comes down to common-sense. A wedding photographer is not (or should not) seek the tabloid-like, outrageous pictures. He/she should always comply with the client's wishes and demands.

  • What details that usually pass unnoticed can a photographer notice?

    It's that split-second facial expression on somebody's face, or some short event that nobody saw because they were focused on the bride and groom.

  • What influences the value of a photo? What are its elements?

    I think it's all about the "feel". No matter how you composed it, no matter how blurry it is.

  • What person can be the symbol of the 21st century in your opinion?

    It's difficult to assess, since social media is huge nowadays and everybody's a celebrity.

  • Who do you want to take photos of?

    We would like to shoot a tattooed open-minded rockers couple, in Moab, Utah :)

  • Do you have any professional taboos?

    Yes, to never disappoint our clients!

  • Who would you like to shoot with?

    It would be a dream to shoot with Sergey Ivanov, Sal Cincotta or Aaron Nace!

  • What do you worry about, and why?

    I always worry that we won't be able to satisfy all our clients' needs. But so far, so good.

  • What is the most impressive moment in your life?

    Traveling through the U.S. and admiring the cities, the breweries, the landscapes and all the beautiful people!

  • If you were a cartoon, book or movie character, who would you be and why?

    When I was little I looked like Betty Boop so...

  • Who inspires you in your life and why?

    I see inspiration all around, it's hard to pinpoint something.

  • How do you define success? How do you measure it?

    I thing it's a sum of the opinions of the people who met you. If most of the opinions are great, you could consider yourself a successful person.

  • Would you rather be liked or respected?

    Both, of course!

  • What is the biggest mistake you have ever made at work?

    I made only small mistakes :)

  • When you're going to travel, what do you take with you and why?

    My husband, our cameras and leave behind everything else.

  • Is there anything among your gadgets that you wish you haven't bought? Why?

    Along the way there has been some trial and error, some gadgets failed and some we still have, but I guess we shouldn't have bought a Wii U console and a 2x extender.

  • How do you educate yourself to take better pictures?

    Through inspiration on the web, brainstorming with friends and talks with clients.

  • Whose work has influenced you most as a photographer?

    I wish Sergey Ivanov influenced me, but I couldn't rise to that level :)

  • What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos?

    That "anything flies" if you have a story behind it.

  • What do you want to say with your photographs?

    People are beautiful!

  • What motivates you to continue taking pictures?

    The satisfaction of our clients and money, of course.

  • Should your parents have been more or less strict?

    At times I wanted them to be less of a pain, but it turns out that I turned out just fine!

  • If you could go back in time, what would you do differently?

    Listen to rock music earlier, read more and move to another city sooner.

  • What about life on other planets?

    I can't wait to have an alien friend!

  • Who are your heroes?

    Lebowski from "The Big Lebowski" film!

  • Who do you have no respect for?

    People who don't have any hobby, any taste in anything, any opinion of their own.

  • What do you do in your spare time?

    I love calligraphy and everything hand made, I try to do as much as I can, apart from editing photos.

  • What's the side of you that the public never sees?

    I'd have to kill you...

  • When are you completely satisfied with your work?


  • Do you believe in the traditional roles for men and women?

    I'm not a feminist, but no, I do not believe in these stereotypes.

  • Do you make friends easily?

    I'd say that I do, but some would say that I keep to myself a lot. I only make friends with the people which inspire me and help me evolve, by having interesting argumentative conversations.

  • Where would you like to live?

    San Francisco, some 50 years ago.

  • What's the stupidest thing you've ever agreed to do?

    I have a problem with saying "no" to things. But I'm working on that.

  • Is there life after marriage?

    Of course. If you don't make a child right away. Or never.

  • Do you have a favourite joke? Tell us.

    It's a photographers' joke, of course:
    So there's a dinner party. A photographer's talking to the host. She says to him: "Mr. Photographer, I love your work! You must have a great camera!" The photographer doesn't respond. But at the dinner table, after taking a bite, the photographer says to the host: "Oh, this food is delicious! You must have a terrific oven!"

  • Do you like dogs or cats?

    Both, but mostly cats.

  • Who or what do you hate?

    Ignorance and arrogance together.

  • The best thing in life is:

    Combining your hobby and your job.

  • The most annoying thing in life is:

    Having a job and a hobby-job :)

  • Is there anything around you that you would like to change?

    I would love it if the hobby would stay just hobby, not having to deal with contracts, invoices, bills to pay... This narrows the creativity, the whole "professional" side of photography.

  • What would you like to change in yourself?

    I would like to learn to say NO and not bite more than I can chew.

  • What would you like to change in the world?

    If only money disappeared, people will start being people again.

  • Can you give a few tips for photographers who are just starting out?

    Take lots of photos, then analyze them and develop your own style. And most importantly, never stop!

  • If aliens come to the Earth and you are the first person they meet, what will you tell them?

    Most surely they won't understand a word, but I'll beg them to share some wisdom here on Earth!

  • If you are called to shoot a movie, what genre will it be?

    Some moody drama

  • Tomorrow I will go and do...

    some portraits, for sure!