Last seen today

Photographer Lukas Kenji Vrabel


Last seen today

Jihlava, Czech Republic PRO

I could tell you the classic cliché that I was born with a camera in my hand and destined to be a successful photographer. But the truth is, as a newborn, I was far more talented at filling diapers than snapping pictures. Want to hear the real story? Take a look at my website and join the adventure!

5 years on MyWed
I can speak czech, english. Jihlava, Czech Republic Lukas Kenji Vrabel +420 737 754 281
  • 840 USD · 6 hours 140 USD / hour 6 hours
  • 1 050 USD · 8h 131 USD / hour 8 hours
  • 1 255 USD · 12h 105 USD / hour 12 hours