Last seen 15 minutes ago

Photographer Kavanna Tan


Last seen 15 minutes ago

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia PRO

#I started my photography career in 2004 #Invited to onfm for exclusive interview on photography experience #Listed in the Biography of One Hundred Business Enterprises - Influence of the Times #Inclusion in BRITISHPEDIA-Successful People in Malaysia (Encyclopedia of Malaysian Successful People)

9 years on MyWed
I can speak english, simplified chinese, malaysian. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kavanna Tan +60 16-212 3426
  • 175 USD · 1 hour 175 USD / hour 1 hour
  • 390 USD · 6h 65 USD / hour 6 hours
  • 645 USD · 10h 65 USD / hour 10 hours