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Nhiếp ảnh gia Chris Neacsu


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Đã lâu không xuất hiện

San Jose, Hoa Kỳ 

5 năm trên MyWed
Tôi có thể nói anh
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/PadLWFV6HbQNgkmyUoCzvNNDFnfTEmlKtCJAzV011LGGXbOZ4ECneBeqGrwfnOTZpbme43sSd837HUD6RYsc8xszt9Nd3PGM-LhP San Jose, Hoa Kỳ Chris Neacsu

Cuộc phỏng vấn

  • Trước tiên - ai là người bạn cho là tốt nhất nhiếp ảnh gia trong San Jose, Hoa Kỳ? :)

    Need to ask? My wife:) Now, in all seriousness, my wife and I are a team and we have both built Chris |N| Creative from the ground up. We have met 19 years ago, started dating 3 years later and that's also when we started doing photography together. 10 years ago we got married

  • Bạn có ăn ảnh không?

    Of course! Perfect. But I'd rather keep all that handsomeness (is that a word?) behind the camera. My clients look much better in pictures.

  • Bạn bước chân vào nghề chụp ảnh như thế nào?

    Majored in photojournalism in college and worked for several newspapers in Europe. Then slowly transitioned to portrait photography and wedding photography and because we loved it so much, we decided to focus on it.

  • Theo ý kiến của bạn, những thành phần nào là quan trọng nhất của một bức ảnh đẹp?

    Talking about engagement and wedding photography, I think people's genuine emotions are the most attractive part of it. Yes, the right light, the composition, sure, but seeing the little moments, the tears, the smiles, and being able to capture them, raw, unposed...

  • Bạn có yêu thích du lịch không?

    Love it and I'm also a bit of a world citizen if I may say so. Lived in several countries back in the day, before we moved to the US. Some of the places I've traveled to and photographed captured my heart forever (France, Italy, Spain, some of the Greek Islands to name a few).

  • Điều bạn thích nhất trong nghề của mình là gì?

    Watching people in love and happy going through the most important day in their life as a couple is one of the main reasons why we do wedding photography.

  • Điều bạn không thích nhất trong nghề của mình là gì?

    We only take on a limited number of events per year. When we have to say no to a couple, I hate that.

  • Tương lai của nghề chụp ảnh sẽ như thế nào?

    I have a vivid imagination. Whatever's in store, I'm excited about it.

  • Khách hàng nên có tiêu chí nào để lựa chọn nhiếp ảnh gia?

    Oh, so many things. Definitely not starting with the price, although we clearly understand brides and grooms work with budgets. But making a decision solely based on which photographer is cheaper is a mistake. How you gel with the photographer is crucial (imagine being stuck on your wedding day with someone you can't stand), obviously experience and portfolio, style. Oh, yes, reviews as well. Very important.

  • Những chi tiết nào thường bị bỏ qua mà một nhiếp ảnh gia lại để ý?

    The small things. A smile, a squeeze of a hand, an embrace. The emotions. The reactions.

  • Bạn thích chụp ảnh cùng ai?

    My daughter, in a few years. She's only 7 now but already seems interested in what mom and dad do, so I'd love to one day have her join us.

  • Khoảnh khắc ấn tượng nhất trong đời bạn là gì?

    Can I have 2? The birth of our daughter. The day my wife and I got married.

  • Bạn định nghĩa thành công là gì? Bạn đo lường thành công như thế nào?

    Doing what you love and doing it to the best of your abilities. Being surrounded by the people you love. Being a good person. Very important!

  • Bạn muốn nói điều gì với những tấm ảnh của mình?

    I'm a storyteller. Whether you look at only one picture from a wedding or browse an entire album, I'm telling the couple's story. Their love story.

  • Động lực nào khiến bạn tiếp tục chụp ảnh?

    Loving what I do. The love for my craft. The sincere thank yous from our clients.

  • Bạn có dễ dàng kết bạn không?

    Oh, yes! I'm super relaxed and friendly, a bit of a chatterbox and I'm genuinely interested in other people. Their stories, their lives. Not that I'm nosy or anything:)

  • Bạn thích chó hay mèo?

    Cats. And Dogs. And turtles, squirrels, horses, tarantulas, parrots. Huge animal person here.

  • Bạn có thể đưa ra vài lời khuyên cho các nhiếp ảnh gia vừa mới bắt đầu không?

    Better your craft, keep shooting, keep improving. But only do it if you really love it. Otherwise, it'll come off as forced in your photos, your relationships with your clients and you won't be happy before long. And remember, everyone started as someone else's assistant or second shooter. Just keep at it!