Genny Borriello gennyborriello

那不勒斯, 義大利

婚禮攝影師Genny Borriello(gennyborriello)。2017 11月11日的照片
婚禮攝影師Genny Borriello(gennyborriello)。2017 11月11日的照片
婚禮攝影師Genny Borriello(gennyborriello)。2017 11月11日的照片
婚禮攝影師Genny Borriello(gennyborriello)。2017 11月11日的照片
婚禮攝影師Genny Borriello(gennyborriello)。2017 11月11日的照片
婚禮攝影師Genny Borriello(gennyborriello)。2017 11月11日的照片
婚禮攝影師Genny Borriello(gennyborriello)。2017 11月11日的照片
婚禮攝影師Genny Borriello(gennyborriello)。2017 11月11日的照片

Federica & Jo

Romantic and elegant wedding ceremony in Naples, celebrated in the Castello del Maschio angioino, icon of Naples.
The bride and groom were accompanied by their little son who was a cashmere and donated the pillow containing their parents' wedding rings – all very moving.
The wedding party was held at the hotel romeo di napoli, a 5-star hotel of modern architrave and rich in contemporary artwork that has shaped the wedding with a view of the Gulf of Naples.
