
攝影師 Dan Fedez



卡波聖盧卡斯, 墨西哥 

在MyWed 6 年
我會說西班牙語, 英語
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/VvRFRYSwSJDKQf6yjlGkJZ17Q26yxGG3q_q6_9-BSIKGe-9GSqgZQPl8HpatlhYSMnrY6XL0z5mGuV0TfDlWfpsEnOM-SJByfbKU_A 卡波聖盧卡斯, 墨西哥 Dan Fedez +52 33 1106 7173


  • 首先─您認為誰是卡波聖盧卡斯, 墨西哥最優秀的攝影師呢? :)

    There are some really good photographers here, each one with it's own style.

  • 您上相嗎?

    I usually look better on the othe side of the camera haha

  • 您如何開始從事攝影行業?

    Had the opportunity to work with a company that does lifestyle photography, after a year I jumped to wedding photography with them and 1 year later I decided to work by myself.

  • 您認為一張好照片裡最重要的元素有哪些?

    Good lightning, being able to control the light is key.

  • 您熱愛旅行嗎?

    Of course, who doesn't! That's actually what approached me to photography! You will see a lot of traveling photos as well on my social media.

  • 您最喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

    For the wedding couple there's always the doubt of how are the photos going to be, but looking at their reaction and excitement once they see them it's one of things to feel thankful for.

  • 您最不喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

    Bridezillas haha or sometimes the maid of honor. I know, I know; they want everything to be perfect on the big day, but hey, you have to trust me on this one, let the art behind the lenses flow!

  • 攝影的前景如何?

    Hopefully better and better photographs, there's a little bit of doubt about photography and the upcoming technology, but I think the artsy element it's always going to be human, no matter what.

  • 您擅長的攝影類型有什麼特別之處?

    It's more intimate, you get to know real people and as a photographer you have to become one with the wedding itself. Achieve that connection with groom and bride and also the guests.

  • 您如何應對批評?

    Photography as an art has been always very subjective, but there's something no one can deny; a good photo is a good photo! Even if you can't explain it. Also in photography you never stop learning, so I don't take criticism too serious, just take the best part of it and forget the rest!

  • 攝影有什麼潮流?

    Yes, the same as any other style of photography or even art; there's always gonna be tendencies, some may follow them, some may not and some may create them.

  • 客戶選擇攝影師的標準有哪些?

    Read the bio, see their pictures and see if you really feel identified with that specific photographer, remember; is the best day of your life!

  • 拍攝時應該避免哪些事項?

    Not to be open to suggestions, I've seen a lot of photographers mounted on their egos, shooting their own style not paying attention to what the couple wants! Big mistake!

  • 通常不會被注意,但攝影師卻能留意的細節有哪些呢?

    It's hard to be in different places at the time, it's always good to count on a second camera to get that little details that can be missed for a bit of a sec while doing the "important shot".

  • 什麼事物會影響照片的價值?它包含了哪些因素?

    Laughs, reactions, true feelings, a good photographer is able to capture the essence of the moment!

  • 您認為哪個人可以被視為21世紀的代表人物?

    We live in an era of super individualism, anyone doing a little bit something for the goodness of everyone is a symbol!

  • 您想拍誰?

    Any couple in the search of genuine photographs, that ones that comes easy for everyone as there's a connection between couple and photographer.

  • 您有任何職業禁忌嗎?

    Photoshop. To make a photograph look the way it is "supposed to be" instead of showing the real thing!

  • 您想和誰一起拍攝?

    I think Jim Carrey is one of the most interesting persons in the world, for me he sees life through different eyes than the average person.

  • 您會擔心什麼?為什麼?

    Sometimes technology can play tricks on you or even betray you, but as long as you are well prepared, there's nothing to worry about.

  • 您人生中印象最深刻的一刻是什麼?

    The present! I've always been to "easy going" to worry about the past, or future, just try to relax and enjoy the moment!

  • 如果您是個卡通、小說或電影角色,您想成為誰?為什麼?

    Probably a captain of sci-fi movie, imagine to see all the stars and constellations and galaxies through that perspective.

  • 誰能在生命中激發您的靈感?為什麼?

    Michael O'neill is one of my favorite photographers, he have had such amazing opportunities to shot super interesting people like Orson Welles, Steve Jobs, Scorsese and many Master Yoguis.

  • 您如何定義成功?您會怎麼衡量它?

    Success is achieve your purpose, one step at a time. That your couples likes and thank for your work, that's how you know you've made it correctly!

  • 您是希望被喜愛或是被景仰呢?

    It's easy to get liked, but not that easy to get respected. So to achieve that is the measure of it.

  • 當您要去旅行時,您會帶什麼?為什麼?

    My camera, is part of the essentials! Like; wallet, keys, camera, cellphone, right?

  • 在您擁有的物品中,有任何您希望沒買過的嗎?為什麼?

    Not a single one, I do a lot of research before buying anything, smart purchases!

  • 您如何學習拍出更好的照片呢?

    Getting inspired by other photographer's work and some self-criticism.

  • 哪件事是您希望從開始拍照時就知道的?

    How to pay taxes! Hahaha isn't this one of the things that they never teach in school and are so necessary for the adult life?

  • 您想用自己的照片說些什麼?

    "I was the happiest person that day" is what I like for my clients to feel when they see their pictures.

  • 讓您持續拍照的動力是什麼?

    Trying to get everyday, improving my style, get happier clients.

  • 您的雙親應該更加或是更不嚴厲呢?

    As kids we never truly understand why our parents do the things they do. And then one day the phrase "you will understand when you are older" makes sense.

  • 如果能回到過去,您會有什麼不同舉動呢?

    Probably being more risky in certain moments of my life but I'm pretty happy and thankful for where life has get me to.

  • 您對在其他星球上的生命有什麼看法呢?

    I think it's very selfish to think that we are the only ones in such a big universe.

  • 您空閒時會做些什麼?

    I see a loooot of movies, I like to analyze the photo, the lighting, the music, also I'm a lo into coffe culture which is really interesting.

  • 您的哪一面是公眾不曾看到過的?

    I think as myself as a truth person. I don't think I have a dark side or anything like that, what you see is what I am!

  • 您什麼時候會對自己的作品完全滿意?

    I'm pretty satisfied with it most of the time, but there's always that little something that can be done better, but being conscious about is what allows us to get better.

  • 您認可男女性的傳統角色嗎?

    Love is love right?

  • 您容易交到朋友嗎?

    Yessss! In weddings I like to think I am just another guest but with responsabilities haha.

  • 您希望在哪裡生活?

    By the beach, defenitely! "En el mar la vida es más sabrosa" is a saying we have in México which could be translated to "Life is better by the sea".

  • 您曾同意嘗試過最愚蠢的事是什麼?

    I once was asked (I would say forced) to dance part of the vals with the bride as the brother ran away to the bathroom. The family was super funny and it was a good memories for everyone I guess.

  • 結婚後還有人生嗎?

    Yes! party never ends!

  • 您喜歡狗還是貓?

    I like both, but I would say I'm more a dog person, even if I don't own one!

  • 人生中最棒的事是:

    Family and friends! and coffe! What would life be without them, right?

  • 人生中最煩人的事是:

    Did I already say how much I hate to get my taxes done?

  • 您的周圍有任何您想改變的事情嗎?

    I would like people to be more conscious about the environment!

  • 如果您被邀請去拍攝電影,那會是什麼類型的電影呢?

    Action genre of course, it must be completely fun!