Naposledy aktívny dlhú dobu dozadu

Fotograf Chris Sansom


Naposledy aktívny dlhú dobu dozadu

Leeds, Spojené kráľovstvo PRO

10 rokov na MyWed
Rozprávam jazykmi: angličtina Leeds, Spojené kráľovstvo Chris Sansom +44 113 808 0692


  • Ste fotogenický?

    Hell no!

  • Ako ste sa dostali do fotografického priemyslu?

    To be completely honest I finished Film School and didn't want to make films, so I looked for a way to make a living from Photography and weddings just made sense. There wasn't a burning desire to be involved with weddings. I learned to build a website and offered cheap photography and within two weeks I'd shot my first wedding. During that time I saw Rangefinder magazine and read American Photo's 'Worlds top ten' list and I was completely inspired. When I shot the first wedding I was totally and utterly hooked, I just loved everything about it. Soon after Verity joined be and we never looked back.

  • Aké sú podľa vás najdôležitejšie súčasti dobrej fotografie?

    Composition, originality and light

  • Máte radi cestovanie?

    Yes, although until recently I've not done much!

  • Čo máte najradšej na vašej profesii?

    Getting to do what I love with the person I love most in the world. What's not to like!?

  • Čo sa vám páči najmenej na vašej profesii?

    Some of the attitudes we encountered when we first started out, with some people worrying more about what others are doing than themselves.

  • Aká bude budúcnosť fotenia?

    Who knows! Everything seems to go full circle so I'm sure a lot of the techniques people are using now will still be popping up in the future.

  • Čo je výnimočné na žánri fotografií, na ktorý sa špecializujete?

    It's a day that is absolutely jam packed with photo opportunities. As photographers all any of us can ask for is a great moment or two and weddings provide a bounty of great moments. Not to mention the fact that everyones cheerful and it's just a flippin' awesome job!

  • Ako zvládate kritiku?

    We don't really get much criticism! Certainly not from clients, but if we did we would just try to rectify the situation any way that we could to ensure they still had a great experience. If it's criticism from peers, mentors or each other then we know they have our best interests at heart and try to take it on board so we can improve next time.

  • Sú nejaké trendy v oblasti fotografie?

    Loads! Too many to list and a few that really wind me up. I won't start on those.

  • Aké by mal mať zákazník kritérium pri výbere fotografa?

    They have to connect with their photographer and be comfortable sharing their day with them. They obviously have to love the photos too!

  • Čomu sa určite vyhnúť pri práci?

    Over here in the UK we're pretty reserved when it comes to the ceremony. Our officiants don't tend to like us getting too up close and personal so we have to be careful not to overstep any boundaries there. Oh and other suppliers trying to push you out of the way....but that's another story!

  • Aké detaily, ktoré zvyčajne prejdú bez povšimnutia, si môže fotograf všimnúť?

    Intimate moments between the bride and groom,

  • Čo ovplyvňuje hodnotu fotografie? Aké sú jej prvky?

    Waaaaay to much to write down. From personal connection to technical skill. It all depends on who's judging it, I know most the photos I consider to be valuable aren't technically great, they just have emotional significance. Of course if you can get an emotionally significant photo that is technically sound then you're onto a winner!

  • Ktorá osoba môže byť podľa vás symbolom 21. storočia?

    Haha that's a pretty odd one, I have no idea!

  • Koho chcete fotografovať?

    I'd love to photograph Zach Braff!

  • Máte nejaké profesionálne tabu?


  • S kým by ste chceli fotografovať?

    I'd love to go on a shoot with Ben and Erin Chrisman, Davina + Daniel, Two Mann Studios, they are all couples who've really inspired us. Oh and I'd love a day out with Emin Kuliyev, every day he posts some new awesome lens creation on Facebook, I'd just love to try out some of his exotic kit!

  • Čoho sa obávate a prečo?

    I don't really worry about anything, I'm not a worrier!

  • Aký bol váš najpôsobivejší okamih v živote?

    I don't know really, hopefully there's lots to come!

  • Ak by ste boli animovaná, literárna alebo filmová postava, kto by ste boli a prečo?

    Totoro, because he's awesome.

  • Kto vás vo vašom živote inšpiruje a prečo?

    Photographically there are too many awesome people to list!

  • Ako definujete úspech? Ako ho meriate?

    Are people booking you? That's really all there is to it, everything else in terms of awards etc is lovely but not a measure of success.

  • Boli by ste radšej obľúbení alebo rešpektovaní?


  • Aká je najväčšia chyba, ktorú ste kedy v práci urobili?

    Touch wood I haven't ever made any huge mistakes!

  • Keď cestujete, čo si so sebou beriete a prečo?

    A camera because it's part of who we are!

  • Existuje niečo, čo by ste si boli radšej nekúpili zo zariadení, ktoré vlastníte? Prečo?

    Not really, I love all of my gadgets!

  • Ako sa vzdelávate, aby ste robili lepšie fotografie?

    By watching films and looking at masters of photography outside of weddings. There's so much to learn from other fields of photography!

  • Koho práca vás ovplyvnila najviac ako fotografa?

    Verity's, I see everything she shoots so that always affects me moving forwards.

  • Jedna vec, ktorú by ste chceli vedieť, keď ste začínali s fotením?

    The less you see other wedding photographers work, the more you develop a unique style. And not to worry about anyone copying your shots!

  • Čo by ste chceli povedať cez vaše fotografie?

    Nothing, it's about how the couple want their day to unfold and I want the photos to reflect that. Ok, it's in my style but it's their story so it should be their message.

  • Čo vás motivuje v ďalšom fotografovaní?

    I just love taking photos!

  • Mali byť vaši rodičia menej alebo viac prísni?

    I really couldn't ask for a better life, so I'd say neither, I wouldn't want anything to change!

  • Ak by ste sa mohli vrátiť v čase, čo by ste urobili inak?

    I'd worry less about having the best kit. It really doesn't make a difference!

  • Čo tak život na druhých planétach?

    What about it? It has to exist somewhere and I'd love to see where!

  • Kto sú vaši hrdinovia?

    I don't really have any heroes, lots of people I respect, but not particularly any heroes!

  • Kto nemá u vás žiadny rešpekt?

    Where I grew up there was a lot of closed-mindedness and intolerance so I don't have any respect for people like that!

  • Čo robíte vo svojom voľnom čase?

    Take photos, train for Ninja Warrior and train and compete in Triathlons.

  • Akú vašu tvár nikdy neukazujte na verejnosti?

    The 'sitting at home and watching chick flicks with Verity' side

  • Kedy ste úplne spokojní s vašou prácou?

    Never! I love what we do but there's always things that you could improve on and that's what makes us strive to continue pushing ourselves professionally.

  • Veríte v tradičné role mužov a žien?


  • Získavate ľahko nových priateľov?


  • Kde by ste radi žili?

    I absolutely love Yorkshire, but I would like to live in the Lake District one day, or possibly America!

  • Čo je tá najhlúpejšia vec, na ktorú ste kedy pristúpili?

    I have no idea!

  • Existuje život po svadbe?

    What an odd question! I love life after marriage!

  • Máte obľúbený vtip? Povedzte nám ho.

    Not really!

  • Máte radi psy alebo mačky?

    Both, but I prefer dogs!

  • Koho alebo čo nenávidíte?

    I don't really HATE anything!

  • Najlepšia vec v živote je:

    My wife!

  • Najviac znepokojujúca vec v živote je:

    There only being 24 hours in a day during wedding season

  • Existuje niečo okolo vás, čo by ste chceli zmeniť?


  • Čo by ste chceli zmeniť na sebe?

    Nothing really, I'm pretty comfortable with my flaws!

  • Čo by ste chceli zmeniť vo svete?

    That's a pretty big one! A bit more financial equality around the world would be a good start.

  • Môžete dať niekoľko tipov pre fotografov, ktorí práve začínajú?

    Concentrate on what you're best at, looking at other photographers is great but you'll never make any headway until you produce something that's truly your own instead of rehashing old work.

  • Keby prišli na našu planétu mimozemšťania a vy by ste boli prvou osobou, s ktorou sa stretnú, čo by ste im povedali?

    Leave, before the government locks you in a bunker!

  • Ak by ste mali natočiť film, aký žáner by to bol?

    I'd like to shoot a comedy drama

  • Zajtra pôjdem a urobím...

    A triathlon, without any training at all since it's been a busy wedding season.