Fotograful de nuntă Jan Doležal (dolezaljan). Fotografia din 13 august 2020
Fotograful de nuntă Jan Doležal (dolezaljan). Fotografia din 13 august 2020
Fotograful de nuntă Jan Doležal (dolezaljan). Fotografia din 13 august 2020
Fotograful de nuntă Jan Doležal (dolezaljan). Fotografia din 13 august 2020
Fotograful de nuntă Jan Doležal (dolezaljan). Fotografia din 13 august 2020
Fotograful de nuntă Jan Doležal (dolezaljan). Fotografia din 13 august 2020
Fotograful de nuntă Jan Doležal (dolezaljan). Fotografia din 13 august 2020
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Magda & Jakub

Magda and Jakub’s wedding was a blast. After the morning preparations, Jakub had not one but two brides to choose from. He did take Magda to be his wife. Afterward, Phantomas was in charge of guiding the procession to the party. The last surprise of the day was a midnight birthday cake for Magda in a circle of their closest family and friends. It was pure joy and honor to document the day for them. :)

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