Kāzu fotogrāfs Rodney Cassar (rodneycassar). Fotogrāfija: 9. novembris 2019
Kāzu fotogrāfs Rodney Cassar (rodneycassar). Fotogrāfija: 9. novembris 2019
Kāzu fotogrāfs Rodney Cassar (rodneycassar). Fotogrāfija: 9. novembris 2019
Kāzu fotogrāfs Rodney Cassar (rodneycassar). Fotogrāfija: 9. novembris 2019
Kāzu fotogrāfs Rodney Cassar (rodneycassar). Fotogrāfija: 9. novembris 2019
Kāzu fotogrāfs Rodney Cassar (rodneycassar). Fotogrāfija: 9. novembris 2019
Kāzu fotogrāfs Rodney Cassar (rodneycassar). Fotogrāfija: 9. novembris 2019
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Mandy and Saviour

Mandy and Saviour had a prewedding session at the aviation museum in Ta Qali. They got married on the 27th April 2019 in a beautiful cermony held at tal-Maqluba Chapel. They had a reception on the chapel parvis with their family and friends. Saviour is a prison warder and he got married in the official uniform.

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