Kāzu fotogrāfs Tyler Nardone (tylernardone). Fotogrāfija: 24. marts
Kāzu fotogrāfs Tyler Nardone (tylernardone). Fotogrāfija: 24. marts
Kāzu fotogrāfs Tyler Nardone (tylernardone). Fotogrāfija: 24. marts
Kāzu fotogrāfs Tyler Nardone (tylernardone). Fotogrāfija: 24. marts
Kāzu fotogrāfs Tyler Nardone (tylernardone). Fotogrāfija: 24. marts
Kāzu fotogrāfs Tyler Nardone (tylernardone). Fotogrāfija: 24. marts
Kāzu fotogrāfs Tyler Nardone (tylernardone). Fotogrāfija: 24. marts
Pievienot iemīļotākajiem


Puglia – taranta, prickly pear, olive trees, farmhouse... and a groom with a British attitude!
Beautiful civil wedding surrounded by the indispensable Apulian clichés that we like so much, scents of a territory still linked to its identity.
And as for the groom... his friends call him British and who am I to deny it? I can't deny that he had enviable aplomb!

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