Caterina Ciccarelli ritraestudio

San Miguel de Allende, Meksika

Kāzu fotogrāfs Caterina Ciccarelli (ritraestudio). Fotogrāfija: 22. janvāris 2022
Kāzu fotogrāfs Caterina Ciccarelli (ritraestudio). Fotogrāfija: 22. janvāris 2022
Kāzu fotogrāfs Caterina Ciccarelli (ritraestudio). Fotogrāfija: 22. janvāris 2022
Kāzu fotogrāfs Caterina Ciccarelli (ritraestudio). Fotogrāfija: 22. janvāris 2022
Kāzu fotogrāfs Caterina Ciccarelli (ritraestudio). Fotogrāfija: 22. janvāris 2022
Kāzu fotogrāfs Caterina Ciccarelli (ritraestudio). Fotogrāfija: 22. janvāris 2022
Kāzu fotogrāfs Caterina Ciccarelli (ritraestudio). Fotogrāfija: 22. janvāris 2022
Pievienot iemīļotākajiem

Isaura & Irving Wedding

This is a series of photographs that recount the day of Isaura and Irving's wedding. It took place in Rancho San Lucas on the outskirts of the city of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. The ceremony was held in an incredible hacienda with an old style. The groom dressed in a ranchero style which made the photos unique and very special. During the wedding there were real impressive moments that I was able to capture. It was an unforgettable wedding.

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