Redzēts pirms 6 stundām

Fotogrāfs Federica Ariemma


Redzēts pirms 6 stundām

Neapole, Itālija PRO

MyWed 6 gadiem
Es varu sazināties angļu, itāļu Neapole, Itālija Federica Ariemma +39 328 657 4001


  • Pirmkārt un galvenokārt - kurš Tavuprāt ir labākais fotogrāfs Tavā pilsētā? :)

    I believe that no one can define himself better than another.
    Preferring a wedding photographer rather than another is a personal choice, it dependeson your photographic tastes.

  • Vai Tu esi fotogēnisks?

    someone says this!

  • Kā tu nokļuvi fotogrāfijas jomā?

    a friend / colleague of mine asked me to be a second shoter at her wedding, from there I understand I could not live without that adrenaline.

  • Kuri, Tavuprāt, ir svarīgākie labas fotogrāfijas elementi?

    the emotion, the involvement, the personality of the photographer

  • Vai Tu mīli ceļošanu?

    Travel? is the best thing you can do in your life. It enriches you and fills your soul

  • Kas Tev vislabāk patīk savā profesijā?

    I'm in love with the adrenaline feels all day.
    I feel so relaxed and peaceful during the wedding day, but it's so restless all around me. I'm crazy about the relastionship with the couple, they become my friends always.

  • Kas Tavā profesijā Tev patīk vismazāk?

    shot a wedding without love.

  • Kāda būs fotogrāfijas nākotne?

    the pics are the only one memories of a time, and it will be forever

  • Kā Tu uztver kritiku?

    If constructive, it help to grow and improve. Generally I look for and ask it

  • Vai fotogrāfijā ir kādas īpašas tendences?

    the wedding photographer defines themself as a reporter, is the latest trend, but not everyone are really a reporter

  • Kādi ir kritēriji, kas klientam jāņem vērā, izvēloties fotogrāfu?

    The couple should choose a photographer with whom they have empathy, a photographer they appreciate and share the genre and style

  • No kā fotogrāfējot būtu jāizvairās?

    everything is allowed, respecting an important day for the couple and them guests

  • Kas ietekmē fotogrāfijas vērtību? Kādi ir tās elementi?

    stoytelling is the best value of a photo, the emotion you can feel when you see it

  • Ko Tu vēlētos fotogrāfēt?

    At the moment I have photographed everything and everyone I have ever desire

  • Ja Tu būtu multfilmas, grāmatas vai filmas varonis, kurš tas būtu un kāpēc?

    I hope to be Harry Potter.
    I would like dress the cloak of invisibility to be able to take pictures without anyone can see me

  • Kas Tevi iedvesmo dzīvē un kāpēc?

    I find inspiration in everyday gestures, in simple life and in the world around me

  • Kā Tu definētu veiksmi? Vai to var izmērīt?

    feeling free to achieve a set goal, which is the starting point for building success

  • Vai Tev labāk patīk tikt mīlētam vai tikt cienītam?

    Love is respect

  • Kas ir lielākā kļūda, ko Tu esi pieļāvis darbā?

    I don't know which I can define my biggest mistake of my working life, but I know I can learn from eachone

  • Kad Tu plāno ceļot, ko Tu ņem līdzi un kāpēc?

    I always put in my luggage a small Fuji camera. I never go away without it

  • Kā Tu mācies, lai uzņemtu arvien labākas fotogrāfijas?

    I am self-taught. I have studied from different books, online tutorial and comparing with collegues. Now I spend a lot of my earnings for workshop, I think study help you to improve

  • Ko Tu vēlies pastāstīt ar savām fotogrāfijām?

    I think I can say nothing, I want only to show how I see the world

  • Kas Tevi motivē turpināt uzņemt fotogrāfijas?

    I have a 9 years course of study that is not related to photography. I leave it to be able to devote myself to this work that makes me happy every day. I chose the job I love and for me it means not working one day

  • Vai Tavi vecāki bija stringri vai netik stingri?

    Less, of course. I'm working on myselfs to let me go and leave all the rules my parents give me during my life

  • Ja Tu varētu ceļot atpakaļ laikā, ko Tu darītu savādāk?

    I would have chosen another path of study

  • Ko Tu domā par dzīvi uz citām planētām?

    I am sure that someday someone will have to find life on another planet, because we have destroyed this world

  • Kas ir Tavi varoņi?

    My heroes are all honest and respectful people

  • Ko Tu dari brīvajā laikā?

    I have no free time, becouse my hobby become my work and I spend all time to make it

  • Kuru Tavu pusi citi nekad neredz?

    all people think that I am strong and tough, in fact I am very emotional and sweet person

  • Kad Tu esi pilnībā apmierināts ar savu darbu?

    I'm never satisfied of my work, becouse I think I can do better

  • Vai Tu tici tradicionālajam lomu sadalījumam starp vīrieti un sievieti?

    Absolutely NO, indeed I believe women have much more capabilities than men, they are objectively more skilled and multitasking.
    I am a convinced feminist, but also critical of many women's attitudes

  • Vai Tu vienkārši sadraudzējies?

    I can also talk to the wall, I'm friendly and sunny

  • Kur Tu vēlētos dzīvot?

    In a silent prairie, with animals and wheat fields, where you can only hear the sound of the wind

  • Vai pastāv dzīve pēc kāzām?

    of couse. When you get marry you start a new live

  • Kas Tev patīk labāk - kaķi vai suņi?

    I am in love with animals, of all kinds and species. I'm vegetarian.

  • Vai ir kaut kas vai kāds, ko Tu ienīsti?

    Fake people are the worst.

  • Labākā lieta dzīvē ir:

    Enjoy it without rancor, remorse and regret

  • Kaitinošākā lieta dzīvē ir:

    the incivility and lack of respect

  • Vai ir kaut kas tāds, ko Tu vēlētos mainīt?

    I would like to live in a city with more civilization and respect for others

  • Ko Tu gribētu mainīt sevī?

    In Naples we call it "cazzimma", I can't translate it, but I would like to have more of it. It means when you are smarter and stronger persons, mybe!

  • Ko Tu vēlētos mainīt pasaulē?

    I would like people to learn to look at each one of them, that there was more altruism

  • Kādi būtu Tavi padomi jaunajiem fotogrāfiem?

    Let you go and enjoy it

  • Ja Tev būtu iespēja uzņemt filmu, kāda žanra filma tā būtu?


  • Rīt es aiziešu un izdarīšu...

    tomorrow will be a new day ... God bless it!