Kāzu fotogrāfs Petr Blažek (petrblazekfoto). Fotogrāfija: 2. janvāris 2022
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Svatební obřad v Bazilice Nanebevzetí Panny Marie na Mendlově náměstí v Brně. | Wedding ceremony in a
Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Mendlovo náměstí in Brno, Czech republic.

I really like to capture photos in the religious ceremony, especially when they take part in a church. The most of time, the artificial light are so low. But your photo is very good, good frame, good light, and you integrate perfectly the sunlight altroughts the stained glass. Bravo for this work !

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17 mm
Uzņemts 24. augusts 2019