Marius Dragan dragan

Appenzell District, Šveice

Kāzu fotogrāfs Marius Dragan (dragan). Fotogrāfija: 4. novembris 2015
Pievienot iemīļotākajiem
Thank you all for the nice comments :)
Bravoo Marius! foarte interesanta fotografia! Este o fotogarfie de colectie!
Frumos! Hai Romania!! :D
Genial el juego de siluetas.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing! Love the picture!
Super!!!Multe povesti are asta :).
Marius, fantastic, congrats!
One of the best all time! Trust me :)
a lot of details that make the difference..Frumos cadru:)
Thanks a lot guys! :)

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35 mm
Uzņemts 10. janvāris 2012