
写真家Louis Anthony Duran氏



マニラ, フィリピン 

MyWed 5 年
英語, タガログ語を話すことができます
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/uK17iZmoCYjUbsIXZdEBsBfELHPnm4IhCyT9MVLEozBoSVWYvhk1joOCz8bJvyvwLiHqM27cq1QpRCR32_ooVmwDwXoJWooF2jmKcw マニラ, フィリピン Louis Anthony Duran +63 917 119 9938


  • 最初に - マニラ, フィリピンで最高の写真家として誰の名前を挙げることができますか?:)

    Michael "Mico" Gonzales of Mayad Studios of course. He's the photographer of the new age. Combining art, beauty and story into his photos. He is my mentor and now one of the most sought after photographers, not just in Manila, but also world wide.

  • 写真写りは良い方ですか?

    My angles are a bit hard to find, but I consider myself as a friend of the camera, both as a subject and as a photographer.

  • どうして写真撮影業界に入ったのですか?

    I was a Photo Editor/Colorist for 4 years. I decided I really love the industry of documenting love and marriage. The only growth I needed was to be out in the field and be the one to capture these images.

  • 良い写真を撮影するにあたって最も重要な要素とは何であるか、ご意見をお聞かせいただけますでしょうか?

    Emotions, first. Story comes second. The rest is framing, color treatment, atmosphere, background and all.

  • 旅行が好きですか?

    Very much. I see new inspiration in all the travels I make.

  • あなたの職業について一番好きなことは何ですか?

    Seeing the marriages I help document, flourish into a family rooted union. Just seeing them grow more and thinking that I have been part of this certain marriage is enough to make me smile.

  • あなたの職業について一番嫌いなことは何ですか?

    Not much, all the things I dislike are the things I strive to improve and get comfortable with until it's bearable to me. Until it becomes my strength

  • 未来の写真撮影とはどのようなものでしょうか?

    I believe we are heading outwards the classic traditional treatment. To something more candid, more storry-filled, treatment.

  • あなたが専門とする特別な写真撮影のジャンルは?

    The atmosphere. To be in a room filled with excitement, love, and all the magic. As a very empathic person, feeling this atmosphere makes me want to do more. See more stories and capture them as they happen.

  • 批判に対処するには?

    Positively. It's 2019. People are becoming more judgemental and sensitive at the same time. Now it's up to you whether you'd use their statements as something to motivate you to get better, or to just bring you down and discourage you from all that you want to do.

  • 写真撮影でトレンドはありますか?

    Right now, people seem to be fascinated by raw, random treatments of weddings and pre weddings.

  • 写真家選択の際に、お客様が基準とすべきことは何ですか?

    They should look for someone to fit their vibe. Whether they are fun, quirky, serious, wild, adventurous, intimate, elegant, it goes on. But it has to be the clients personality that the photographers adapt to.

  • 撮影の際、絶対に受け入れがたいことは何でしょうか?

    Complicating things. This is a no for a photographer. When you are in a wedding preparation, you should be as comforting as relaxed as you can be so you can ease the tension on your couples. You have to deliver simple and easy instructions for them to be comfortable in front of the camera

  • 写真家が気づくことができる普段は見過ごさせる細かい点は何ですか?

    Mostly treatment. From the very artistic way to the very classic way. Photography is art. And the artist who can appreciate these details are the photographers themselves.

  • 写真の価値に影響を与えるものとは何でしょうか?その要因は?

    Memorability. It sums up the overall feel of the photo. For a photo to be memorable, it has to stand out, not just to capture attention, but to tell a new story, a new perspective.

  • どのような人物が 21世紀を象徴する人物になり得るとお考えでしょうか?

    A very innovative person. In all fields, the progress is very fast paced, and this is due to these people finding new ways to create new things.

  • どんな人を撮影したいですか?

    I want to take photos of strong successful women with strong stories, capture them in their element.

  • プロとしてタブーとしている事はありますか?


  • 誰と一緒に写真を撮りたいですか?

    I always want to shoot with Suzzy Son.

  • 心配事はありますか。またその理由は何でしょうか?

    I worry about me losing passion towards things I do. Passion is my driver in all things. Without it, I will never have the patience to do things, instructions and jobs properly.