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Fotografo Marius Barbulescu


Ultimo accesso molto tempo fa

Bucarest, Romania PRO

Da 10 anni su MyWed
Parlo inglese, rumeno
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_rSdCjPE5R3E78q2YcAMZ9sFWqde_k5x2qj99HWzaQ1HbyqcZy9htG-i7tLZfPsGfHQvDgAgkgaewSJslUgRjKRmz513asssL7cE Bucarest, Romania Marius Barbulescu +40 729 053 852


  • Sei fotogenico?

    ​Very rarely! :)

  • Come sei entrato nell'industria della fotografia?

    ​I was 20 and had a photography class at the University! The moment I shot the first roll of film with a SLR, I was hooked for life! I feel very old at 32 saying I've started photography shooting film.

  • Secondo te, quali sono le componenti più importanti di una bella foto?

    ​To send a message, a feeling or to make you remember things. We’re losing so many good things along the way in our journey through life like innocence, compassion, humanity, sincerity… just to name a few. Kids have them naturally, we’re born rich and most of the people die poor of these.

  • Ti piace viaggiare?

    ​Yes! I can be on the road 365 days a year, but only if I’m with my family. Home is wherever I’m with them.

  • Che cosa ti piace di più nella tua professione?

    The freedom to organize my life just as I want, the people I meet, the friends I make, the places I visit… I have at least 1000 reasons. Shooting weddings is for me my chance to use everything I experienced personally to create something new every week. Photography is not objective and it's a good thing because it lets us choose how we tell the stories. It's a refuge for me and an act that leaves me with no masks (or very few of them). I'm trying to shoot in a very sincere way.

  • Che cosa ti piace di meno nella tua professione?

    ​Deadlines! Sometimes it gets frustrating, but I’m getting better and better with them.

  • Quale sarà il futuro della fotografia?

    ​I have no idea, but I’d love to live it.

  • Cosa c'è di speciale nel genere di fotografia in cui sei specializzato?

    ​For me it’s the freedom it gives me… I have a license to shoot everyone! And weddings are not just super fun, but also extremely diverse. I love that!

  • Come gestisci la critica?

    ​Pretty well because I'm already my own fiercest critique. Nobody can match this! :)

  • Ci sono determinate tendenze nella fotografia?

    Of course. But good photography is forever.

  • Quali criteri dovrebbe utilizzare un cliente per scegliere un fotografo?

    ​I'd check to see if the work of the photographer I like is consistent, if he blogs every wedding he's shooting and, after a short talk over skype or face to face, if we get along fine.

  • Che cosa non è ammesso durante la ripresa fotografica?

    ​Touching people and being in the center of attention.

  • Quali dettagli, che solitamente passano inosservati, riesce a notare un fotografo?

    ​“Common” people can become excellent photographers with experience. It’s just that good wedding photographers are trained to see more the “in between” moments, small gestures that make all the difference, little stories within bigger ones.

  • Che cosa influisce sul valore di una foto? Quali sono le sue componenti?

    Composition + moment + light. For a great photo you can't exclude any of these.

  • Secondo te, chi può essere considerato simbolo del XXI secolo?

    ​Anyone that can bring peace and make the world a better place for everybody, not just for a few of us. Jesus Christ maybe if He decides to pay us a visit again.

  • Chi vorresti fotografare?

    I let my destiny to choose that for me.

  • Hai qualche tabù professionale?

    I am never allowing myself to be bored or tired while shooting a wedding... ok, maybe a little bored from time to time, but I'm always trying to make things more interesting.

  • Con chi vorresti fare una sessione di ripresa fotografica?

    ​So many people and they know who they are… but right now Sergio and Kelly from www.kellyandsergio.com intrigue me a lot. Their work is so original and authentic.

  • Che cosa ti fa preoccupare e perché?

    ​I worry every time that I’m faking photography and that I suck!

  • Qual è stato il momento più impressionante della tua vita?

    ​The moment my son was born.

  • Se tu fossi un personaggio di cartone animato, libro o film, chi saresti e perché?

    ​Sam Gamgee from Lord of the Rings! If more people would be like him, we’d live in a happier place!

  • Chi ti ispira nella vita e perché?

    ​Anyone who doesn’t put his own self in front of everybody else. We live in a selfish world and I’m trying to cure myself from that too.

  • Come puoi definire il successo? Come si misura?

    ​Success is when you manage to bring balance in you and around you.

  • Preferiresti essere amato o rispettato?

    ​I don’t fight for any of these, so I can’t answer. If I get to be liked or respected it's because I did something good. I only fight to do good things.

  • Che formazione professionale segui per fare fotografie migliori?

    Every year I buy some photography books (not wedding photography, mostly photojournalism). I look at a lot of pictures (mywed is also a constant source of inspiration) and try to analyze the things I like in a picture. I shoot a lot of IPhone pictures and I try to stay alert to any interesting situations that might occur around me. A photographer should never "sleep", training and educating for this si a life long mission.

  • Il lavoro di chi ha avuto la maggiore influenza su di te come fotografo?

    So many, but mostly Saul Laiter, Sam Abell and James Nachtway. In wedding photography it was Jeff Ascough at first and then Ben and Erin Chrisman that started all for me! Their work made me want to become a better wedding photographer for all the good reasons.

  • Qual è la tua motivazione per continuare a scattare fotografie?

    ​The life I have now is a good one, I strive to keep it like this.

  • Pensi che i tuoi genitori avrebbero dovuto essere più o meno severi?

    I have the best parents in the world, I wouldn't change anything.

  • Che cosa pensi della vita su altri pianeti?


  • Chi sono i tuoi eroi?

    The people who genuinely love to help the ones in need.

  • Per chi non hai rispetto?


  • Che cosa fai nel tuo tempo libero?

    ​Family time, traveling, reading, movies, playing video games with my son.

  • Quando ti senti completamente soddisfatto dal tuo lavoro?

    ​I’m far from being satisfied!

  • Credi nei ruoli tradizionali di donne e uomini?


  • Fai facilmente amicizia?

    ​Friendship is a ship that take a long time to build, so, no, I don’t make friends easily! But I'm an easygoing person, I get along fine with almost everyone.

  • Dove ti piacerebbe vivere?

    ​Near a forest and a lake, a few kilometers away from civilization, but with Internet and electricity. :)

  • Esiste la vita dopo il matrimonio?

    ​Having or adopting a kid is life, so, yes, there is a lot of life after marriage.

  • Ti piacciono i cani o i gatti?


  • Chi o che cosa odi?

    ​I’m trying hard not to hate anyone! So nobody, but I’m scared of extremists (any type of extremists)!

  • La cosa migliore nella vita è:


  • La cosa più fastidiosa nella vita è:


  • C'è qualcosa intorno a te che vorresti cambiare?

    ​Preconceptions, I’d love to see the people more open minded (me included).

  • Che cosa vorresti cambiare in te stesso?

    ​The same things I’d like to change in other people too.

  • Puoi dare alcuni consigli ai fotografi alle prime armi?

    ​You photography can only be as good as you are… so instead of learning tons of new tricks, invest in yourself, but not in a selfish way.

  • Se gli alieni dovessero arrivare sulla Terra e tu fossi la prima persona ad incontrarli, che cosa diresti?

    ​Go back, we’re not ready!

  • Se dovessi essere invitato a girare un film, di che genere sarebbe?

    ​Sci Fi

  • Domani vado a fare...

    ​A 10km run!