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Fotografo Mario Marinoni


Ultimo accesso 3 giorni fa

Bari, Italia PRO

I'm a pure wedding photojournalist based in the south of Italy. I believe the integrity of the image is paramount. Follow all of your emotions! Whatsapp: +393394557731

Da 8 anni su MyWed
Parlo italiano, inglese
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/azey39EjuA0q27-XthvwmDDutrprU55dKuxytGWfr7I7hLRlQHYtdl_aE9jk73yHzi0s_VEoNwERmRJRNI2-gtYFHy1cCbkHGp-kONs Bari, Italia Mario Marinoni +39 339 455 7731
Servizio di matrimonio: 350 EUR l'ora
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