Photographe de mariage Joewell Joe (joewell). Photo du 18 octobre 2018
Photographe de mariage Joewell Joe (joewell). Photo du 18 octobre 2018
Photographe de mariage Joewell Joe (joewell). Photo du 18 octobre 2018
Photographe de mariage Joewell Joe (joewell). Photo du 18 octobre 2018
Photographe de mariage Joewell Joe (joewell). Photo du 18 octobre 2018
Photographe de mariage Joewell Joe (joewell). Photo du 18 octobre 2018
Photographe de mariage Joewell Joe (joewell). Photo du 18 octobre 2018
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Emmah & Muchemi Wedding

For some of us weddings are the happiest days of our lives. And that was exactly what is was for Emmah and Muchemi. If a wedding is perfect, then Emmah and Muchemi wedding is the perfect wedding story. Not only was it perfect for them but also for me; from my cameras, to the beautiful weather, to the photoshoot grounds, everything was just perfect.

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