Gabo Ochoa gaboymafe

Carthagène, Colombie

Photographe de mariage Gabo Ochoa (gaboymafe). Photo du 28 avril 2018
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Photographe de mariage Gabo Ochoa (gaboymafe). Photo du 28 avril 2018
Photographe de mariage Gabo Ochoa (gaboymafe). Photo du 28 avril 2018
Photographe de mariage Gabo Ochoa (gaboymafe). Photo du 28 avril 2018
Photographe de mariage Gabo Ochoa (gaboymafe). Photo du 28 avril 2018
Photographe de mariage Gabo Ochoa (gaboymafe). Photo du 28 avril 2018
Photographe de mariage Gabo Ochoa (gaboymafe). Photo du 28 avril 2018
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Karen & Jon

We had told you in a previous post that we love seeing green landscapes, because it is not common here on the coast where the landscape is predominantly dry and the vegetation is not very varied. So when Karen and Jon gave us their “Yes, I accept!” to our work, we were very excited because we could not only tell their story, but finally meet a place in Colombia that we had always heard, but we had never met: Lake Calima, which is a visual spectacle for anyone who can visit them.To the incredible location was added this couple whose celebration was full of good times. Karen is not only a beautiful woman (really beautiful!), but also very sweet. She reflects it in her smile and in her look, in each of the details that she prepared for her guests, in the same preparation for her wedding, and also in the type of relationship she has not only with Jon, but with her family and with her friends.Jon, on the other hand, is a man of great friends, who values ​​not only the fact of being with an amazing woman like Karen, but also the gift of life and the gift of having the people he loves at his side, although some are only spiritual.Together they not only make a beautiful couple, but they have enough energy, good vibes and love to summon their foreign friends to their wedding destination in Cali and to make they made the trip to accompany them: Not everyone has that power of convocation!And yes, the wedding was really amazing. Or judge for these photographs. Thanks Karen and Jon for trusting in our work and deciding to take a couple of photographers from Barranquilla with you to tell your whole wedding in Cali. May there be many years of happiness for you and that you grow old together, surrounded by the same good friends, your family and your children!

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