Photographe de mariage Matteo Innocenti (matteoinnocenti). Photo du 4 octobre 2017
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Photographe de mariage Matteo Innocenti (matteoinnocenti). Photo du 4 octobre 2017
Photographe de mariage Matteo Innocenti (matteoinnocenti). Photo du 4 octobre 2017
Photographe de mariage Matteo Innocenti (matteoinnocenti). Photo du 4 octobre 2017
Photographe de mariage Matteo Innocenti (matteoinnocenti). Photo du 4 octobre 2017
Photographe de mariage Matteo Innocenti (matteoinnocenti). Photo du 4 octobre 2017
Photographe de mariage Matteo Innocenti (matteoinnocenti). Photo du 4 octobre 2017
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Martina & Simone

this season I got so lucky since I shot a lot of very nice weddings, Martina and Simone's one was one of most fun since they are a wonderful, good looking and loving couple that chose me to take their wedding pictures.
I had so much fun with them since they were excited about the pictures, they trusted me a lot and we had the chance to shot some of my favourite pictures so far (one of them won a Nikon 100th anniversary).
I never had so much fun at a wedding while working and the rock party was a really nice ending for this special day!

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