Photographe de mariage Harikrisshnan N (harikrisshnan). Photo du 25 janvier 2017
Photographe de mariage Harikrisshnan N (harikrisshnan). Photo du 25 janvier 2017
Photographe de mariage Harikrisshnan N (harikrisshnan). Photo du 25 janvier 2017
Photographe de mariage Harikrisshnan N (harikrisshnan). Photo du 25 janvier 2017
Photographe de mariage Harikrisshnan N (harikrisshnan). Photo du 25 janvier 2017
Photographe de mariage Harikrisshnan N (harikrisshnan). Photo du 25 janvier 2017
Photographe de mariage Harikrisshnan N (harikrisshnan). Photo du 25 janvier 2017
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Wrap your wings around my body.

Oleg + Trisha. "When we stood on the skyline
There was no turning back
And you said not to stare at the ground." It's hard to love someone unconditionally for the rest of our lives, but when we do find someone nothing really can stop us from showing all the love we got. An exotic love story of two wonderful souls, destined to be together, as lovely and sweet they appear on these photos, they're the same in person. What've we to loose ? Let's spread some love this season. "Will you catch me when I fall?
Wrap your wings around my body
When I'm lost in the storm"- Peace.

О, как атмосферно!

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