Photographe de mariage Edwin Vergara (edwinvergara). Photo du 25 janvier
Meilleures de la semaine
Photographe de mariage Edwin Vergara (edwinvergara). Photo du 25 janvier
Photographe de mariage Edwin Vergara (edwinvergara). Photo du 25 janvier
Photographe de mariage Edwin Vergara (edwinvergara). Photo du 25 janvier
Photographe de mariage Edwin Vergara (edwinvergara). Photo du 25 janvier
Photographe de mariage Edwin Vergara (edwinvergara). Photo du 25 janvier
Photographe de mariage Edwin Vergara (edwinvergara). Photo du 25 janvier
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Abi y Aldo

I really like your style and especially the way you use flash.
It is very simple, I only use 2 godox ad600 flashes on the sides (1/64 and 1/32), they recycle quickly and the batteries never run out
do you normally work alone at weddings or with an assistant/partner?
I normally work alone, like at this wedding, but I already want to take an assistant so that the light can occupy it more from above.
I normally use a monopod and a MagSphere, like this I can shoot and point the flash at the same time – looks funny (and isn't healthy, I got a tendinitis from it) but works great. Still, an assistant helps.
I mean you carry the monopod with one hand and the camera in the other hand, your photos are great
thanks! Of course I ask from time to time a wedding guest to hold the monopod for a few minutes – and if possible I put 3 or 4 OCF around the dance floor. But you are more flexible with either a VAL (voice activated lightstand 😉) or a monopod that you can hold and point yourself.
I do precisely the same thing at the party when all the guests are dancing, with a light tripod, I put one of the legs of the tripod in my pants pocket and point it with a Godox tt600 flash (speed light).Only in the main dance of the bride and groom did it use 2 flashes of 600 watts
nice! Great minds think alike. 😆

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