Photographe de mariage Mike Dumonceau (mikedumonceau). Photo du 23 juillet 2023
Photographe de mariage Mike Dumonceau (mikedumonceau). Photo du 23 juillet 2023
Photographe de mariage Mike Dumonceau (mikedumonceau). Photo du 23 juillet 2023
Photographe de mariage Mike Dumonceau (mikedumonceau). Photo du 23 juillet 2023
Photographe de mariage Mike Dumonceau (mikedumonceau). Photo du 23 juillet 2023
Photographe de mariage Mike Dumonceau (mikedumonceau). Photo du 23 juillet 2023
Photographe de mariage Mike Dumonceau (mikedumonceau). Photo du 23 juillet 2023
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Noura, Koursoh & Zoe

In the heart of Brussels, a cherished family photoshoot took place in the loving home of a devoted couple and their adorable baby. The warm sunlight filled the house, creating a beautiful backdrop for the intimate portraits. The parents' love and affection for their little one were captured in tender moments, filled with smiles and laughter. I captured candid interactions, freezing time on a canvas that would forever remind them of their unbreakable bond as a family. From the nursery to the living room, each setting held significance in their parenthood journey. The photoshoot celebrated their love, warmth, and togetherness, immortalizing the joy their baby brought into their lives. These treasured photographs would be cherished for generations to come.

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