Photographe de mariage David Deman (daviddeman). Photo du 31 décembre 2022
Photographe de mariage David Deman (daviddeman). Photo du 31 décembre 2022
Photographe de mariage David Deman (daviddeman). Photo du 31 décembre 2022
Photographe de mariage David Deman (daviddeman). Photo du 31 décembre 2022
Photographe de mariage David Deman (daviddeman). Photo du 31 décembre 2022
Photographe de mariage David Deman (daviddeman). Photo du 31 décembre 2022
Photographe de mariage David Deman (daviddeman). Photo du 31 décembre 2022
Photographe de mariage David Deman (daviddeman). Photo du 31 décembre 2022
Photographe de mariage David Deman (daviddeman). Photo du 31 décembre 2022
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Proposal shoot in Bruges

Lucy & Tom live in Essex (UK) and came on a city trip to Bruges. Tom had wanted to ask Lucy to marry him for quite some time. In the greatest secrecy, Tom had arranged a city trip to Bruges to pop the big question to his beloved there. A few weeks before their trip, Tom had contacted me to capture this special moment. Several e-mails and a video call later, everything was planned and arranged. Lucy was unaware of anything and thought they were going for a walk in the city centre. Tom and I had agreed that he would ask Lucy to marry him at the Bonifacius Bridge. As a photographer, I had to pretend to be a tourist and stood waiting for them. Once I saw Lucy and Tom arrive at the bridge, the moment had arrived and then it was up to me to capture this unique moment. After a few photos, I introduced myself to Lucy and the full plan was explained to her. Afterwards we did a short photo shoot.Congratulations Lucy & Tom!

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