Photographe de mariage Ricardo Silva (ricardosilvafilm). Photo du 22 août 2023
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Just perfect play with focus and blur!
In fact, it's just the lens.
Used a Lensababy Sol 45mm 3.5
I guessed that. I use the Helios 44-2 from time to time – and the Canon 45mm TS but the lensbabies are great as well.
Those are also great!
Have the Helios on the wishlist.
I'm using a TTartisan 50mm 1.4 tilt-shift now
never tried the TTartisan but heard good things considering the cheap price. Speaking of, I enjoy telling my couples: "This photos is made with a 2.000 € lens" – and then I pull out the Helios 44-2 and say "and this is a 20 € lens".
It's not the price but what you do with it

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Filmée le 24 septembre 2022