Viimeksi paikalla 5 tuntia sitten

Valokuvaaja Ken Pak


Viimeksi paikalla 5 tuntia sitten

Washington, Yhdysvallat PRO

9 vuotta MyWedissä
Osaamani kielet: englannin Washington, Yhdysvallat Ken Pak +1 703-624-1696


  • Oletko valokuvauksellinen?

    I never thought I was photogenic and never wanted to be photographed, however, I look pretty cute in the photos from my early childhood.

  • Miten päädyit valokuvausalalle?

    It was a pretty natural transition for me becoming a wedding photographer as many of my friends were getting married when I started taking photos. Because of this, I never attended my friends' weddings as a groomsman or guest. Rather, I always photographed their weddings.

  • Mikä on sinusta tärkeintä hyvässä kuvassa?

    Although most of photographers would talk about light, composition, creative approach, subject, emotional impact & etc. as vital components of a good photo, I think preparation for the day and understanding of the flow , environment and subject would help yielding a good photo. Although there are moments I take photos with anticipation, however, I love when I get good photos without anticipation.

  • Tykkäätkö matkustamisesta?

    Yes, I love traveling for the photo projects including weddings, fun activities, personal inspiration by the life of the other side of the world, and to see the family (I am from South Korea).

  • Mistä pidät eniten ammatissasi?

    Photography career can be highly rewarding. I feel truly blessed when I receive compliments and appreciation from the happy clients and people.

  • Mistä pidät vähiten ammatissasi?

    Dealing with difficult personalities and awkward characters can be most challenging to me. However, I would rather stay positive and supportive to those nature.

  • Mikä on valokuvauksen tulevaisuus?

    For the next 5 years, another convergence of the medium will be coming like stills will be culled from 8k video footage. After another 5 years, I am pretty sure that there will always be needs for wedding photography regardless of the medium convergence.

  • Mikä on sille valokuvauslajille erityistä, johon olet erikoistunut?

    In technical term, I believe wedding photography can be practised as the collaborative work of wide range of photography types and styles. In human life, it is one of the greatest lifetime celebrations among families and friends, and I am so glad that I can capture many different levels of emotional impacts.

  • Kuinka suhtaudut kritiikkiin?

    I would rather be modest and listen to the criticism if it is the matter of your growth and development process in your photography career and human relations. If you stay honest, humble and positive, there will be lesser criticism.

  • Onko valokuvauksessa trendejä?

    Yes, there are trends in wedding photography just like fashion industry, however, I also see there is a range of diversity in wedding photography trends depending on traditions, lifestyle, regions & etc.

  • Minkä kriteerien perusteella asiakkaan pitäisi valita valokuvaaja?

    As a person photographing someone's lifetime event, trustworthy, fun and flexible nature in my personality come highly valuable and appreciative among my clients and people in the industry.

  • Mikä on ehdottomasti kiellettyä kuvauksessa?

    Unprofessional, snobbish & egoistic manner in professional & personal aspects.

  • Mitkä yksityiskohdat, jotka yleensä jäävät huomaamatta, valokuvaaja voi tallettaa?

    Artistic & creative approach. Also, freezing the moment, framing & composition.

  • Mikä vaikuttaa kuvan arvoon? Mikä kuvissa on tärkeintä?

    Cherishing the memorable moments and people from generation to generation (or among generations). Also, capturing and archiving the history of person's life.

  • Kuka on sinun mielestäsi 2000-vuosisadan symboli?

    Big brothers in media.

  • Ketä haluaisit kuvata?

    I would like to continue photographing weddings, however, it will be interesting to photograph traditionally unique weddings in remote area not affected by the western culture.

  • Onko sinulla ammatillisia tabuja?

    I would not want to spoil those wedding photographer wannabes. It takes so much of professional practice, thinking, attitude, training, study and experience. Don't believe in yourself as a professional shooter by just buying a good camera and shooting a few of your friends weddings.

  • Kenen kanssa haluaisit kuvata?

    If I get a chance, I would love to shoot with those pulitzer winners who have not shot the weddings before. Also, shooting a wedding by side of any big names in the industry will be my great honor.

  • Mistä huolehdit ja miksi?

    Bridezilla and Groomzilla. Depending on the situations, people with difficult & demanding personalities to accommodate can be a real challenge. Also, theft and robbery (although I have not experienced before) during the sessions in uncontrolled areas. Being sick can be another big worrisome.

  • Mikä on ollut elämäsi vaikuttavin hetki?

    Three of my most tearful moments showing my love to my parents. I cried so much at the airport when I saw my dad leaving the state after seeing my college graduation (He supported me for 7 years in US for my high school and college, and returned to Korea permanently). I cried so much when I hugged my parents during my wedding ceremony. I cried so much when my dad was being cremated after the funeral ceremony.

  • Jos olisit animoitu, kirjallisuus- tai elokuvahahmo, kuka olisit ja miksi?

    I would love to be Iron man, just to simply get the aerial shots. Also, seeing myself in the Iron man armor which is retrofitted with multiple super cameras will be amazing!

  • Kuka sinua on inspiroinut elämässäsi ja miksi?

    Jesus Christ who keeps me being a better person.

  • Miten ja millä perusteella määrittelisit menestyksen?

    In human perspective, if I have six good men who can carry my coffin at my own funeral, I consider that as a successful life. In business perspective, if I have no haters and no debt, that will be a successful life.

  • Haluaisitko olla mieluummin tykätty vai kunnioitettu?

    I would rather be liked.

  • Mikä on suurin virheesi, jonka olet tehnyt työssäsi?

    Encountering a media failure by using cheap media card.

  • Kun lähdet matkalle, mitä otat mukaasi ja miksi?

    I will take my free & open spirit with me to enjoy the true traveling experience. If it is allowed, then I would love to travel with my wife and son. Of course, a small travel camera will definitely be accompanied with me.

  • Oletko koskaan toivonut, ettet olisi ostanut jotain omistamistasi vempaimista? Miksi?

    Lytro Illum camera. I never use it. Is there anyone who is interested in this camera? ;)

  • Miten opettelet ottamaan parempia kuvia?

    I try to read/watch/visit photography related or partially related magazines, books, movies, videos (I love watching K pop music videos to learn techniques), art galleries/museums & etc. From these experiences, I love incorporating my new ideas and creative thinking in the actual shoots by hopefully getting faster spontaneous responsiveness to the moments. Also, I go to conferences and seminars, and get connected with a wide range of cool photographers from different parts of the world. Also, I shoot together with a few of my local photographers time to time for cross-inspiring and training purposes at the real weddings.

  • Kuka on vaikuttanut eniten ammattiisi valokuvaajana?

    Hmmm... I would say photographers in WPJA Winners Collections, Fearless Photographers Award Collections and ISPWP Award Collections have influenced me the most. I am sorry to tell you that I love all the winners, not the single one, as I admire their work so much! Also, I give a full respect to those photographers who push themselves to the infinity over creative limits.

  • Minkä yhden asian olisit toivonut tietäväsi, kun aloitit kuvaamisen?

    I really wish I knew a real good mentor when I started taking photos. I have had neither a mentor nor had worked for a studio during my photography career. Also, I did not have any good friend photographers until I met most of them during the past 1.5 years.

  • Mitä haluat ilmaista valokuvillasi?

    They are fun, animated, compassionate, witty, unique, hardworking, modern, artistic, imaginative, quirky, and yet most importantly, story telling with my true spirit.

  • Mikä motivoi sinua jatkamaan kuvausta?

    My family the most. Also, undiscovered world of photography intrigues me to challenge myself in the upcoming future. Accolades can be bonus.

  • Olisiko vanhempiesi pitänyt olla tiukempia tai päinvastoin?

    Less strict. Matter of fact, my mom bought me my first point-n-shoot camera when I was the fifth grade. They are always supportive and respectful to my decision, but I had to be very responsible to my decision.

  • Jos voisit palata ajassa taaksepäin, mitä tekisit eri tavalla?

    I would go to a renowned college of art to inspire myself with in-depth fine art. I studied Environmental Science instead. Also, I would continue playing badminton, so I could have competed in Olympics (one of my teammates from the same school team won a gold medal in Atlanta Olympic games).

  • Uskotko, että muilla planeetoilla on elämää?

    I am going to ask God about it.

  • Ketkä ovat sankareitasi?

    Whoever influences me to become a better person.

  • Ketä et kunnioita?

    People who commit sins without repent afterwards.

  • Mitä teet vapaa-ajallasi?

    Planning something ahead that would or would not happen, but it is always fun to do it. I do normal things that the normal people would do during the spare time.

  • Mitä puolta yleisö ei koskaan näe sinussa?

    When I am doing post production work at home, I am normally in underwears as it happens to be very comfortable and free to myself.

  • Milloin olet täysin tyytyväinen työhösi?

    When I hear back from my clients with lots of compliments and appreciation after they get the final release. Also, accolades are bonus to my satisfaction, but I consider myself always being in learning curve.

  • Uskotko miesten ja naisten perinteisiin rooleihin?

    Yes, I am in terms of marriage and family, however, roles are always subject to change based on the modern lifestyle. As long as we love each other, traditional roles are not biggie in our lives.

  • Saatko helposti ystäviä?

    Yes, however, it can take significant amount of time to become their best friends. I would rather be their best friends than making them my best friends.

  • Missä haluaisit asua?

    I would like to live in one Korea upon unification of North & South Korea. Other than US and Korea, I would also consider living any parts around the world needing any of my contribution.

  • Mikä on typerin asia, johon olet koskaan suostunut?

    Sharing a studio space with a wedding dress/floral shop. I would never do a business with anyone in the same space.

  • Jatkuuko elämä avioliiton jälkeen?

    Sure thing! Your lifetime companion and kids are enough to make a dramatic change in your life after marriage.

  • Onko sinulla suosikkivitsiä? Kerro pois.

    My wife and my son give me all kinds of silly talk, and I always return with a joke. Too many to list.

  • Pidätkö koirista vai kissoista?

    We used to have a jack russell terrier and a mix dog for over 12 years. They both passed aways a few years ago, but they always stay remained in our hearts. We are planning to have one soon.

  • Ketä tai mitä vihaat?

    Business partners with betrayal, lies and unacceptable manner. I can't tolerate those people, and can't deal with them anymore as it happens to be the worst time in my life.

  • Parasta elämässä on:

    When my son was born.

  • Ärsyttävintä elämässä on:

    Dealing with business partners and friends who betrayed me.

  • Haluaisitko muuttaa mitään ympärilläsi?

    I would like to redesign my website, restart blogging, and keep up everything in timely manner.

  • Mitä haluaisit muuttaa itsessäsi?

    I need to put something on when I am working at home.
    Seriously, I need to reshape my body.

  • Mitä haluaisit muuttaa maailmassa?

    Get rid of terrorists and dictators, and provide aids to those who are in desperate life situation.

  • Haluaisitko antaa vinkkejä aloitteleville valokuvaajille?

    Learn, practise and gain lots of experience to become a true artist, not a person with a good show-off camera. Most importantly, try to understand what this day means to the wedded couple and people at the wedding, and your role there.

  • Jos Maahan saapuisi avaruusolioita ja he näkisivät sinut ensimmäisenä, mitä sanoisit heille?

    "Do you need a photographer to document your landing and presence? The session will be free, however, you need to sign a media release form." LOL

  • Jos sinut kutsuttaisiin kuvaamaan elokuvaa, mitä tyylilajia se edustaisi?

    I would like to photograph an epic love story, war and drama.

  • Huomenna aion...

    Tomorrow, I will go to a wedding and photograph the most amazing day of someone's life.