Eliana Janka 54fotografia PRO

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Pulmafotograaf Eliana Janka (54fotografia). Foto tehtud 17 jaanuar
Pulmafotograaf Eliana Janka (54fotografia). Foto tehtud 17 jaanuar
Pulmafotograaf Eliana Janka (54fotografia). Foto tehtud 17 jaanuar
Pulmafotograaf Eliana Janka (54fotografia). Foto tehtud 17 jaanuar
Pulmafotograaf Eliana Janka (54fotografia). Foto tehtud 17 jaanuar
Pulmafotograaf Eliana Janka (54fotografia). Foto tehtud 17 jaanuar
Pulmafotograaf Eliana Janka (54fotografia). Foto tehtud 17 jaanuar
Lisa lemmikutesse

She said YES - Palacio Duhou

Daniel was looking for the perfect spot to ask Vale to marry him.
They came all the way from Bolivia to Buenos Aires to spend some quality time together but Vale had no idea what Daniel was planning.
I was in constant communication with Daniel to help him plan everything here and luckily she was so surprised and happy and everything went perfect. I was so happy to be a part of that moment!

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