Pulmafotograaf Martina Stastna (martinastastn). Foto tehtud 28 august 2023
Pulmafotograaf Martina Stastna (martinastastn). Foto tehtud 28 august 2023
Pulmafotograaf Martina Stastna (martinastastn). Foto tehtud 28 august 2023
Pulmafotograaf Martina Stastna (martinastastn). Foto tehtud 28 august 2023
Pulmafotograaf Martina Stastna (martinastastn). Foto tehtud 28 august 2023
Pulmafotograaf Martina Stastna (martinastastn). Foto tehtud 28 august 2023
Pulmafotograaf Martina Stastna (martinastastn). Foto tehtud 28 august 2023
Pulmafotograaf Martina Stastna (martinastastn). Foto tehtud 28 august 2023
Lisa lemmikutesse

M+M – Wedding on black and white film

I was a guest at a very good friend's wedding. But as a photographer, I couldn't come without a camera. I took my Olympus with black and white film and captured a few moments for Misa and Max during the day. I also offer photos on film as part of the wedding shoot for you!

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