Pulmafotograaf Poptelecan Ionut (poptelecanionut). Foto tehtud 12 jaanuar 2022
Pulmafotograaf Poptelecan Ionut (poptelecanionut). Foto tehtud 12 jaanuar 2022
Pulmafotograaf Poptelecan Ionut (poptelecanionut). Foto tehtud 12 jaanuar 2022
Pulmafotograaf Poptelecan Ionut (poptelecanionut). Foto tehtud 12 jaanuar 2022
Pulmafotograaf Poptelecan Ionut (poptelecanionut). Foto tehtud 12 jaanuar 2022
Pulmafotograaf Poptelecan Ionut (poptelecanionut). Foto tehtud 12 jaanuar 2022
Pulmafotograaf Poptelecan Ionut (poptelecanionut). Foto tehtud 12 jaanuar 2022
Lisa lemmikutesse

Sara & Mihai

This time with Sara and Mihai in Zanzibar I was blessed to shoot their wedding, and then continue their adventure in Africa. They are a marvelous and energetic couple, for whom I merged a story on two continents, a story above my expectations. Their love shines and my camera and I just became part of the surroundings.

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