Pulmafotograaf Milica And Nebojsa Mrdja (nebojsamrdja). Foto tehtud 7 november 2021
Pulmafotograaf Milica And Nebojsa Mrdja (nebojsamrdja). Foto tehtud 7 november 2021
Pulmafotograaf Milica And Nebojsa Mrdja (nebojsamrdja). Foto tehtud 7 november 2021
Pulmafotograaf Milica And Nebojsa Mrdja (nebojsamrdja). Foto tehtud 7 november 2021
Pulmafotograaf Milica And Nebojsa Mrdja (nebojsamrdja). Foto tehtud 7 november 2021
Pulmafotograaf Milica And Nebojsa Mrdja (nebojsamrdja). Foto tehtud 7 november 2021
Pulmafotograaf Milica And Nebojsa Mrdja (nebojsamrdja). Foto tehtud 7 november 2021
Pulmafotograaf Milica And Nebojsa Mrdja (nebojsamrdja). Foto tehtud 7 november 2021
Lisa lemmikutesse

30 Rising stars '20

Last year we were nominated for the
Rangefindermag 30 rising stars of wedding
photography. It's such a big deal for us! The moment we
received the email of our nomination got us jumping to
the roof. Just to be considered is a dream come true.
Choosing 30 images of all was the hardest thing we ever
had to do. Got us thinking of our wedding photography
in a whole new way and gave us wings to continue this
passion and love to even bigger heights. We're
determined to make next to your best yet!
Special thanks to a person that nominated us! :)

This is incredible! So So beautiul!!

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