Pulmafotograaf Vasilis Liappis (2pweddings). Foto tehtud 10 detsember 2020
Pulmafotograaf Vasilis Liappis (2pweddings). Foto tehtud 10 detsember 2020
Pulmafotograaf Vasilis Liappis (2pweddings). Foto tehtud 10 detsember 2020
Pulmafotograaf Vasilis Liappis (2pweddings). Foto tehtud 10 detsember 2020
Pulmafotograaf Vasilis Liappis (2pweddings). Foto tehtud 10 detsember 2020
Pulmafotograaf Vasilis Liappis (2pweddings). Foto tehtud 10 detsember 2020
Pulmafotograaf Vasilis Liappis (2pweddings). Foto tehtud 10 detsember 2020
Lisa lemmikutesse

George & Lila

George and Lilla wanted a wedding near the place they were taking their holidays. Chalkida is a town in the island of Evvoia, and close to Athens. We found a nice beach to shoot a couple of portraits, just after the wedding and before the Reception, and the weather was so nice, it made us go late to the party.

Клёвая серия! репортаж очень понравился)

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