Pulmafotograaf Clyde Peter (clydeeboy). Foto tehtud 14 jaanuar 2023
Lisa lemmikutesse

Love the composition. It is really harmonic. Also, the cracks in the stairs are great.
Thank you we didn't really have a great location to work with except for this structure. 3 ad200s were used for this shot
For me, the location isn't so important for great couple shots when you are creative and find a solution. You did great!
I mean I like place with a lot of elements for photographic possibilities like places of architecture with the harsh light dancing around rather than plain open beach type places. So location does matter to me a bit but you are right its not the only ingredient when it comes to couple portraits. Getting them in their element is key :)

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35 mm
Jäädvustatud 13 jaanuar 2023