Photographers in Caracas: wedding photography
A photographer can choreograph all aspects of your wedding group portraits or studio photography even helping you to decide on a location. Popular areas for a photographer are the El Avila National Park with its natural hiking surroundings, mountain tops and secluded forest waterfalls. The noble National Pantheon of Venezuela is another option for an iconic landmark photo shoot which is bound to impress.
Find an ideal photographer on this website by taking a look around and comparing wedding shooters and their galleries. more
Photographer's specialityWedding
- Wedding35
- Couples2
- Maternity1
- Newborn2
- Kids0
- Family0
- Portrait0
Charge per hourRate0 — 300 USD
Photographer's languageLanguageAny language
- Spanish35
- English21
- Italian3
- Dutch1
- Portuguese1
Efrain Torres efraintorres PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen 3 hours ago
- 105 USD · 1 hour 105 USD / hour 1 hour
- 800 USD · 8h 100 USD / hour 8 hours
Jesus Ochoa jesusochoa PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago260 USD / hour 4 hours minimum
Gabriel Lopez lopez PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago40 USD / hour 4 hours minimum
Pedro Nurse pedronurse PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen 3 days ago
- 300 USD · 2 hours 150 USD / hour 2 hours
- 800 USD · 8h 100 USD / hour 8 hours
Leonel Longa leonellonga PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago265 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
Álbum Boda edwardeyrich PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago145 USD / hour 10 hours minimum
Jorge Mora jorgemoraphoto PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen 3 days ago60 USD / hour 1 hour minimum
Raymond Fuenmayor raymondfuenmayor PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen 1 week agoAbove all, Im a passionate person that love's what i do. Explorer, curious and collaborating with you to tell your story. I take my job very seriously and have the best time doing it. I'd love to have a chance to hear about your wedding plans and actually get to know you.100 USD / hour 10 hours minimum
Diego Ramírez diegoramirez PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen 2 weeks ago30 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
Luis Tovar luistovarphoto PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen 1 day ago250 USD / hour 4 hours minimum
Ibrahim Ibrahim Alfonzo alfonzo PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago80 USD / hour 4 hours minimum
Joel Pino joelpino PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time agoYou can dream it, plan it and live your wedding, but your photos are the only thing can help you remember.100 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Peter Istan istan PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago100 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
Daniela Gm bydanielagm PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time agoWedding photographer, journalist and filmmaker. "Your storie, my love movie." Journalist/ Photographer /Filmmaker Lcda. Periodismo Audiovisual & Dirección de Cine @ByDanielaGm90 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
Jonhger Moreno jlmoreno PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen 4 days ago60 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
Claudia Romero claudiaromero PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago60 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
Manuel Rodriguez Urosa manuelurosa PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago35 USD / hour 1 hour minimum
Gregorio Carrillo gcmfotografia PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time agoWedding photographer. My style is documentary. Capture moments, expressions and spontaneity.80 USD / hour 8 hours minimum
Jessica Bracamonte jessibracamonte PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago60 USD / hour 4 hours minimum
Maura Capaldo mauracapaldo PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago- make a moment last forever - since 2015100 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Lamboni Sirvent lamboni PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago260 USD / hour 6 hours minimum
Franklin Bolivar bolivarfoto PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago100 USD / hour 10 hours minimum
Luis Martinez ncuadrat PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago105 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Victor Rodriguez Urosa victormanuel22 PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time agoDestination Wedding photographer and filmmaker based in Caracas, Venezuela. I hope my images capture the true feelings of your special day55 USD / hour 4 hours minimum
Christian Sáenz christiansaenz PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago10 USD / hour 6 hours minimum
Julio Caraballo caraballo PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen 1 week ago90 USD / hour 6 hours minimum
Paolo Di Pietro dipietro PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a month ago150 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
José Montenegro josemontenegro PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen 2 weeks ago
- 150 USD · 2 hours 75 USD / hour 2 hours
- 450 USD · 6h 75 USD / hour 6 hours
- 750 USD · 10h 75 USD / hour 10 hours
Olaf Morros olafmorros PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen 1 week ago100 USD / hour 7 hours minimum
Orlando Guerrero orlandoguerrer PRO Caracas, VenezuelaLast seen a long time ago45 USD / hour 2 hours minimum