Wedding photographers in Portadown
You can choose from venues such as Brownlow House, National Trust owned Ardress House or modern hotel gardens. These and many of the picturesque lochs and canal side towpaths provide you and your photographer the best chance of capturing a beautiful wedding session. more
Photographer's specialityWedding
- Wedding2
- Couples0
- Maternity0
- Newborn0
- Kids0
- Family0
- Portrait0
Charge per hourRate0 — 900 USD
Geoff Telford geofftelford PRO Portadown, United KingdomLast seen a long time ago175 USD / hour 5 hours minimum
Sasha Treanor sashatreanor PRO Portadown, United KingdomLast seen a long time agoI Have been lucky enough to work as a full time photographer from my town centre studio for the last three years, after working freelance while studying in University. For bridal portraits I focus on interaction and connection between newlyweds rather than formal or forced posing.No rate is specified