Photographers in Târgoviște: wedding photography
Photographer's specialityWedding
- Wedding9
- Couples0
- Maternity0
- Newborn0
- Kids0
- Family0
- Portrait0
Charge per hourRate0 — 900 USD
Photographer's languageLanguageAny language
- Romanian31
- English21
- Italian2
- French2
- Spanish1
- Turkish1
Ionut-Silviu S ionutsilvius PRO Târgoviște, RomaniaLast seen a long time agoWedding photojournalist! Is all about Emotions! Each good photo has it's own story to tell, no need for words! Photos are the silent keepers of our precious memories! It may be expensive to pay for your photos but remember this: saving your memories is priceless!105 USD / hour 5 hours minimum
Bita Corneliu corneliu PRO Târgoviște, RomaniaLast seen a long time agoI am a wedding photographer committed to capturing your real story as I create photographs that will make you laugh, sigh, and cry.95 USD / hour 7 hours minimum
Cezar Brasoveanu brasoveanu PRO Târgoviște, RomaniaLast seen a long time ago105 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
George Stan stangeorge PRO Târgoviște, RomaniaLast seen a long time agowww.stangeorge.ro130 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Ion Neculcea neculcea PRO Târgoviște, RomaniaLast seen a long time agoEvent photographer, especially weddings140 USD / hour 4 hours minimum
Bogdan Voicu lumia-studio PRO Târgoviște, RomaniaLast seen a long time ago65 USD / hour 6 hours minimum
Aurel Nita nita PRO Târgoviște, RomaniaLast seen a long time ago60 USD / hour 1 hour minimum
Bogdan Moiceanu bogdanmoiceanu PRO Târgoviște, RomaniaLast seen a long time ago75 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Andrei Alexandrescu alexandrescu PRO Târgoviște, RomaniaLast seen a long time ago65 USD / hour 8 hours minimum
Stefan Marin stefanmarin PRO Moreni, RomaniaLast seen a long time ago105 USD / hour 1 hour minimum
Adrian Grindei grindei PRO Găești, RomaniaLast seen a long time agoNo rate is specified
Florentin Drăgan florentindragan PRO Câmpina, RomaniaLast seen 1 week ago65 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Florian Nenciu hdyztee PRO Câmpina, RomaniaLast seen a long time ago65 USD / hour 8 hours minimum
Alniti Cristian cristian96 PRO Câmpina, RomaniaLast seen a long time ago70 USD / hour 5 hours minimum
Romeo Catalin fotoromeocatalin PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen 2 days ago
- 125 USD · 1 hour 125 USD / hour 1 hour
- 315 USD · 2h 158 USD / hour 2 hours
- 625 USD · 3h 208 USD / hour 3 hours
Ioana Visan jophotography PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen 2 weeks ago"Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world"
- 105 USD · 1 hour 105 USD / hour 1 hour
- 160 USD · 2h 80 USD / hour 2 hours
- 525 USD · 12h 44 USD / hour 12 hours
Hermina Posta inspirephotoro PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen a month ago85 USD / hour 12 hours minimum
Scripnicu Gabriel scripnicugabriel PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen a long time agoPhotographer for Adventurous Couples / Weddings & Portraits95 USD / hour 4 hours minimum
Loredana Bratila fearlessweddings PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen a month agoCrazy in love with wedding storytelling, photography and film are our way of expression, a lifestyle that drives us to new adventures and experiences and we love to chase the intimacy between people, capturing authentic emotions in the most beautiful scenery and light.85 USD / hour 4 hours minimum
Iulian Arion fotoviva PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen a long time agoPutting glamour back into wedding photography since 2002.105 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Mihai Remy Zet tudormihai PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen a long time ago85 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
Andreea Ionita deeafotostudio PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen a long time ago105 USD / hour 6 hours minimum
Tiberiu Stefan Simion tiberiu PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen a long time ago70 USD / hour 12 hours minimum
Daniel Gritu danielgritu PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen a long time agoI do not like talking about myself. Maybe my portfolio will...!145 USD / hour 12 hours minimum
Ciprian Mocanu studio8mm PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen a long time agoA good photographer is hard to find but impossible to forget ... My photos are captured moments for the soul crystal flaps ...60 USD / hour 16 hours minimum
Mihail Dulu dulumihai PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen a long time agoYears ago, I started writing a different story. A story with warm, loving people, who are preparing to connect their destinies and walk together on the road of life. It couldn't be otherwise, except so close to my soul, that I feel emotion and life with you...65 USD / hour 8 hours minimum
Ovidiu Cristea ovidiucristea PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen a long time agoHello, I’m Ovidiu. I’m a photographer based in Ploiesti, Romania100 USD / hour 12 hours minimum
Dragos Done dragosdone PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen a long time ago80 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Vlad Ghinoiu inspirephoto PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen a long time ago315 USD / hour 12 hours minimum
Lipcan Marian marian PRO Ploiești, RomaniaLast seen a long time ago30 USD / hour 12 hours minimum
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