Wedding photographers in Christchurch

Each photographer in Christchurch is listed in this directory that shows not only portfolios, rates and contact details of any wedding photographer, but photo series as well.
To make the best wedding photos, photographers attend workshops. Some of them own their photo studio where they may offer portrait photography. To learn a photographer better, see his or her personal MyWed profile.
Choose a professional photographer whose wedding photography you like, and don't forget to meet with him or her in person in advance before the wedding! more
  • Photographer's speciality
    • Wedding16
    • Couples0
    • Maternity0
    • Newborn0
    • Kids1
    • Family1
    • Portrait0
  • Charge per hour
    0 600  USD
  • Photographer's language
    Any language
    • English16
    • Czech1
    • Traditional Chinese1
    • Hungarian1
    • Tagalog1

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