Best Wedding Photographers in the Maldives
Photographer's specialityWedding
- Wedding6
- Couples0
- Maternity0
- Newborn0
- Kids0
- Family0
- Portrait0
Charge per hourRate0 — 900 USD
Photographer's languageLanguageAny language
- English6
- Russian2
Artem Rudik temaphoto PRO Malé, MaldivesLast seen a long time ago
- 550 USD · 1 hour 550 USD / hour 1 hour
Mohd Shafyg creatica PRO Maafushi, MaldivesLast seen a long time agoA pool of professional photographers. A company, owning and managing photo shops in different resorts of Maldives. Please contact us to save your memories of your vacation.350 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Mohamed Maais maais PRO Malé, MaldivesLast seen a long time agoMy name is Maais. I am a young professional photographer based in Maldives! I have been working as a professional photographer for more than six years and worked with a lot of the top resorts here in Maldives! I am mostly engaged in Wedding , Lifestyle and Couple photography.300 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
Evgeniy Maydan sunweddingtours PRO Malé, MaldivesLast seen a long time agoI photograph sensitively, I react quickly, I charge simply)))120 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
Maahid Mohamed Maahid maahidphotos PRO Malé, MaldivesLast seen a long time agoI'm Maahid, Photographer based in the tiny dots you get to see on the world map. know as Maldives, Yess! the sunny side of life.315 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
Abdulla Irufan Irufan abdullairufan PRO Maafushi, MaldivesLast seen a long time agoI am Irufan, Professional Photographer Based in Maafushi / Maldives. In Photography since 2010.125 USD / hour 1 hour minimum