Photographers in Sassari: wedding photography
Photographer's specialityWedding
- Wedding9
- Couples1
- Maternity0
- Newborn0
- Kids0
- Family0
- Portrait0
Charge per hourRate0 — 900 USD
Photographer's languageLanguageAny language
- Italian13
- English9
- French2
- Spanish2
- Lithuanian1
Alessandra Poddie dueafoto PRO Sassari, ItalyLast seen a month ago210 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Francesca Zinchiri francescaz PRO Sassari, ItalyLast seen a long time ago210 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
Indre Pagausiu pagausiu PRO Sassari, ItalyLast seen a long time ago140 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Laura Berlinguer lauraberlinguer PRO Sassari, ItalyLast seen a long time ago265 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Valeria Mameli mameli PRO Sassari, ItalyLast seen a long time agoI want to display your real beauty, the beauty of the moments you live and of the people who share your life with. How do you feel when looking the person you love into the eyes, when you laugh, leaning your head back while playing with your child?365 USD / hour 1 hour minimum
Gabriele Fiori gabrielefiori PRO Sassari, ItalyLast seen a long time ago105 USD / hour 12 hours minimum
Antonio Ruzzoli antonioruzz PRO Sassari, ItalyLast seen a long time ago180 USD / hour 6 hours minimum
Gianni Biddau giannibiddau PRO Sassari, ItalyLast seen a long time ago160 USD / hour 1 hour minimum
Laura Francesconi laurafr PRO Sassari, ItalyLast seen a long time agoNo rate is specified
Paolo Salvadori salvadori PRO Alghero, ItalyLast seen 1 day agoI like to describe my style as authentic and candid, with gentle guidance and direction for portraits and group photos. It's important to me to capture the true moments of your wedding day without taking anything away from your experience.295 USD / hour 10 hours minimum
Enzo Pace enzopace PRO Alghero, ItalyLast seen a long time ago55 USD / hour 6 hours minimum
Daria Manuedda dariaphoto92 PRO Badesi, ItalyOnline
- 225 USD · 1 hour 225 USD / hour 1 hour
Simone Sechi sinxphoto PRO Macomer, ItalyLast seen a long time agoI'm a Photographer based in sardinia (IT),but I can work anywhere in the entire known universe. If you are interested in my photography, don’t hesitate to contact me.160 USD / hour 10 hours minimum
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