Photographers in Mainz: wedding photography
Photographer's specialityWedding
- Wedding20
- Couples1
- Maternity0
- Newborn0
- Kids0
- Family0
- Portrait0
Charge per hourRate0 — 600 USD
Photographer's languageLanguageAny language
- German127
- English109
- Russian42
- Ukrainian14
- French8
- Spanish8
- Polish4
- Croatian4
- Italian4
- Romanian2
- Persian2
- Hungarian2
- Serbian2
- Portuguese2
- Estonian1
- Urdu1
- Indonesian1
- Japanese1
- Greek1
- Traditional Chinese1
- Turkish1
- Javanese1
Nikita Tretyakov niktre PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time ago265 USD / hour 6 hours minimum
Maria Und Manfred mariaundmanfred PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen 2 weeks ago
Marco Palmer marco-palmer PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen 3 days agoYou want your story told as it is. No frills. Alive, authentic and real - just the way you are. It should be about emotions, not about perfection. Then let me record your story. My photos are always about capturing the connection between people. Lively, authentic, atmospheric and natural.
Jan Weber janweber PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen 4 days ago
Irina Brumm si-studio PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time ago265 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Alexander Sinner alexsinner PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time agoHaving your story told right is important! The pictures of your day should be more than fleeting snapshots. In depth reportage focussed on atmosphere, timeless-aesthetics and moments. I´m here for you: Rhineland-Palatinate and Germany.235 USD / hour 8 hours minimum
Wladimir Scepik wladimirscepik PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time ago
- 730 USD · 2 hours 365 USD / hour 2 hours
Iryna Korenkova irynakorenkova PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time ago160 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Kristina Gryazin artoflight PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time ago525 USD / hour 5 hours minimum
Steffen Gebhard photoinlove PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time ago230 USD / hour 6 hours minimum
Christopher Schmitz silkeandchris PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time agoWe, that is Silke & Chris, have been a couple for a long time and are still madly in love with each other. Capturing emotions with light - that's what we do. We tell your story in natural and emotional pictures and, if you like, in a highlight video. We look forward to meeting you!420 USD / hour 6 hours minimum
Carola Schmitt carolaschmitt PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time agoI have that passion for weddings, I love to catch emotional situations, close ups and natural posings. Please don't hesitate asking me any questions you have in mind. It would be great to meet and sort out all the details about your very special day! Call anytime.210 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Tina Und Maxim tinaundmaxim PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time ago240 USD / hour 4 hours minimum
Susanne Watrin wuppertal24 PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time ago210 USD / hour 4 hours minimum
Matthieu Lenz matthieulenz PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time agoHey there! I’m Matthieu: a creative, down to earth, alternative wedding photographer. I’m all for couples sticking a finger up at stuffy old wedding traditions and you doing things your own way.245 USD / hour 6 hours minimum
Laura Seitz lauraseitz PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time agoWhoop whoop, glad you made it to my profile! I am a passionate wedding photographer based in Mainz and love to capture honest and authentic moments with my camera around the world. Whether in Germany or abroad, let's rock your wedding together!!!375 USD / hour 4 hours minimum
Sergej Koch sergejkochcinema PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time ago315 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
Katharina Enns enns PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a month ago160 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
Vitaliy Kokh vitalijkoch PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time ago
- 785 USD · 3 hours 262 USD / hour 3 hours
Lilia Seidel seidel PRO Mainz, GermanyLast seen a long time ago210 USD / hour 4 hours minimum
Aleksandar Radevski aleksandar PRO Wiesbaden, GermanyLast seen 6 days agoProfessional photographer, specialized in wedding, portrait, events. I live in Wiesbaden but I am available all around Germany and worldwide.
- 105 USD · 1 hour 105 USD / hour 1 hour
- 185 USD · 2h 93 USD / hour 2 hours
- 265 USD · 3h 88 USD / hour 3 hours
Saja Seus sajaseus PRO Wiesbaden, GermanyLast seen 3 weeks agoI frame radiant moments in their brightest glow.
- 365 USD · 1 hour 365 USD / hour 1 hour
- 730 USD · 2h 365 USD / hour 2 hours
Danuta Urbanowicz danutaurbanowicz PRO Wiesbaden, GermanyLast seen 3 weeks ago265 USD / hour 3 hours minimum
Vanessa Liebler vanessaliebler PRO Wiesbaden, GermanyLast seen a long time agoI love to be there on your very special day, capturing all the little and big moments.190 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Jennifer Wolters wolters PRO Wiesbaden, GermanyLast seen a month ago
- 315 USD · 1 hour 315 USD / hour 1 hour
- 625 USD · 2h 313 USD / hour 2 hours
Mona Bergmann monasilja PRO Wiesbaden, GermanyLast seen a long time agoI photograph people that are madly in love. Love is love - everyone is welcome. If you love my images I'd love to hear from you!
- 835 USD · 2 hours 418 USD / hour 2 hours
Roman Gor rgor PRO Wiesbaden, GermanyLast seen a long time agoLet's catch the greatest moments of your wedding to leave them in our memory.160 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Axel Jung ajung PRO Wiesbaden, GermanyLast seen a long time ago185 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Hardy Steffens steffensfoto PRO Wiesbaden, GermanyLast seen a long time agoI'm Hardy, photographer from Walluf since 2012. I take wedding photos in Wiesbaden, in the Rheingau, Mainz, Frankfurt, Rhein-Main Area and nationwide. Ask me about destination weddings in Cadiz, Malindi and Byron Bay.160 USD / hour 2 hours minimum
Sam Jenak thenightatelier PRO Wiesbaden, GermanyLast seen a long time agoPoetic Photography for the individual & intimate souls, the poets and dreamers. For those who seek real moments, aesthetically told. Fantasy-loving, anti-cliché minded & excited by passionate souls.210 USD / hour 6 hours minimum
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