Vor langer Zeit online

Fotograf Jamie Orndorff


Vor langer Zeit online

Tampa, Vereinigte Staaten 

6 Jahren auf MyWed
Ich spreche englisch
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/QvQkumSf-uIC226Yy_FWNCvpjxkLiApYculNv_NpjUxFa2lqznImP4eKImigl8DQ9k7kLyWFRP6VkrNXM1LwJw2LkgxF18p1emUBug Tampa, Vereinigte Staaten Jamie Orndorff +1 727-641-5152


  • Zuallererst - wen können Sie als besten Fotografen in Tampa, Vereinigte Staaten nennen? :)

    If I'm being honest? Hehe...I love the work my husband and I do. We have shot weddings for about three years now so we've had time to refine our style and learn from other amazing photographers...making us the best us we could be!!

  • Sind Sie fotogen?

    My husband says yes. I say meh.

  • Wie sind sind zur Fotografiebranche gekommen?

    I've always found people to be the most interesting subjects. Seeing different expressions and emotions on one's face. When I started photographing people- I realized I loved capturing those expressions. Then I started photographing couples and realized I love capturing LOVE. It's beautiful and real and raw.

  • Was macht Ihrer Meinung nach ein gutes Foto aus?

    As an adventurous person- I love a beautiful landscape. Mountains, beaches, cliffs...anything in nature makes a beautiful photo for me.

  • Reisen Sie gern?

    Traveling is basically our life. We've shot in Iceland, Mexico, California, Arizona, Tennessee, and many other incredible places. We love it more than we love tacos.

  • Was gefällt Ihnen an Ihrem Beruf am meisten?

    My favorite thing is meeting new people and seeing new places. We have met so many awesome people during our time as photographers and that is an amazing bonus to this job!

  • Was gefällt Ihnen an Ihrem Beruf am wenigsten?

    ...the way my back hurts after shooting a 9 hour wedding day.

  • Was ist die Zukunft der Fotografie?

    Hopefully more creative and unique photographers and less typical poses and fake smiles.

  • Was das Besondere an dem Fotografiegenre, auf das Sie sich spezialisiert haben?

    Weddings are truly a beautiful and special thing in themselves. Being one of the most important days in one's life, there are always many different emotions throughout the day. The wedding photographer has the privilege of getting to capture all of them. It's amazing. A lot of times, it makes US cry!

  • Wie gehen Sie mit Kritik um?

    I always want to be a better photographer, person, wife, etc. Criticism is something difficult to take when given, but keeps me up at night. I definitely think it's needed in order to improve.

  • Gibt es irgendwelche Trends in der Fotografie?

    Absolutely. Everyone is always trying to find their own style and niche and a lot of times copy others style of work. I say it's best to forget the trends and find your own lane.

  • Was sollten die Kriterien für Kunden bei der Wahl eines Fotografen sein?

    Trust and taste are two huge factors. Every person needs to trust their photographer, meaning they need to build a sort of rapport. They should prove that they are able to capture and understand what is important to you. And of course taste- choose a photographer who's work you love! :-)

  • Was ist bei Fotoaufnahmen strikt verboten?

    Over posing. Fake smiles. Messy backgrounds.

  • Welche Details werden häufig übersehen, die ein Fotograf aber erkennt?

    People don't always notice the best light, whereas photographers are chasers of beautiful light. Also little things- such as leading lines and unique spots that may look ordinary to the common eye...but look like a fairytale in a photograph.

  • Was beeinflusst den Wert eines Fotos? Welche Elemente sind wichtig?

    The memories that come with the photo, what it can mean to a client. That is everything. Genuine laughs and happy tears captured in a photograph can be so valuable to someone.

  • Welche Person verkörpert für Sie das 21. Jahrhundert am besten?

    A symbol is different to everyone, we all have different inspirations. For me, I am inspired by Don and Helen, amazing and creative wedding photographers who thrive on the unconventional.

  • Was würden Sie gern fotografieren?

    People that are ridiculously, ridiculously, ridiculously in love. ;-)

  • Gibt es für Sie in Ihrem Beruf Tabus?

    Drinking on the job. Oh well...

  • Mit wem würden Sie gern fotografieren?

    Don and Helen. Chris Burkard. There are some talented people out there.

  • Worüber machen Sie sich Sorgen und warum?

    I usually worry about everything when I'm on a plane. Nothing a little wine can't fix. Other than that, I don't worry too much. What's the point?

  • Was war der eindrucksvollste Moment in Ihrem Leben?

    I will never forget standing under the northern lights in Iceland. Honestly, creation is the most outstanding thing in the world. I was breathless and speechless.

  • Welche literarische Figur oder Filmfigur wären Sie gern und warum?

    I think I would be Jess from New Girl. We have the same taste in style and are quirky by nature. Also I totally copied her bangs.

  • Wer inspiriert Sie in Ihrem Leben und warum?

    My husband definitely inspires me. He is so creative and down to earth and smart and kind. If everyone were like him, the earth would ROCK.

  • Wie definieren Sie Erfolg? Wie messen Sie ihn?

    True success, I believe, is measured by happiness. If you are happy, you are successful. Simple as that!

  • Gefällt es Ihnen mehr, wenn man Sie mag oder wenn Sie respektiert werden?

    Can't I have both? Haha...I guess I would say respected. Because people that like you may not like you the next day. If you're respected once, likely you'll be respected a long time.

  • Was war der größte Fehler bei Ihrer Arbeit?

    I used to work for a makeup company, and one time I messed up at inventory. All the numbers were wrong and we had to do it again...6 hours of work.

  • Was nehmen Sie mit, wenn Sie auf Reisen gehen und warum?

    Obviously, I always take my camera gear. Ha ha.

  • Haben Sie Apparate oder Ausrüstung, die Sie lieber nicht hätten kaufen sollen? Warum?

    Nothing that I can think of...

  • Wie bilden Sie sich weiter, damit Ihre Bilder noch besser werden?

    The best way to do this is to always be taking pictures. Whether it's with my professional gear or my iphone, I am always taking pictures and learning about light and composition

  • Welche Arbeiten haben Sie als Fotografen am meisten beeindruckt?

    Like I mentioned before, Don and Helen have influenced me the most. I love how they just don't fit in with any cliches. They see things the rest of the world is blind to. It's a beautiful thing.

  • Was hätten Sie auf jeden Fall wissen müssen, als Sie mit der Fotografie begannen?

    I wish I knew to take photos in RAW format...not jpeg. Hahaha...

  • Was möchten Sie mit Ihren Fotos zum Ausdruck bringen?

    I want them to show genuine emotions and love. Everything must be real.

  • Was motiviert Sie weiterzumachen?

    One of my favorite things to do is meet with other photographers and find out why they started photography, what keeps them going, what their favorite aspects are about it, etc. We did that recently with some amazing people and it really inspired us and motivated us to push ourselves harder to really give our best.

  • Hätten Ihre Eltern strenger sein müssen?

    Hmm... I'd say less. Hehe. But I never got in too much trouble so I guess that's a good thing, right?

  • Wenn Sie zurückschauen, was hätten Sie besser machen können?

    I would not have cut my bangs myself. Not good.

  • Was halten Sie vom Leben auf anderen Planeten?

    We'll have to go explore and find out won't we???

  • Wer sind Ihre Helden?

    My husband.

  • Wovor haben Sie keinerlei Respekt?

    I have no respect for selfish and proud people. We all live on the same beautiful earth and we should be giving and display humility in all we do.

  • Was tun Sie in Ihrer Freizeit?

    Apparently I complete long interviews about my life, as I'm doing right now. But also, I mostly take photos and cuddle with my dog. Seriously, my dog is sooooo cute.

  • Welche Seite Ihrer Persönlichkeit bleibt dem Publikum verborgen?

    Woah...perhaps the sheer amount of ice cream that I consume. I will forever love Ben and Jerry's.

  • Wann sind Sie mit Ihrer Arbeit in jeder Hinsicht zufrieden?

    When I make my clients happy cry. That is my biggest satisfaction, because I have done my job correctly.

  • Glauben Sie an die traditionellen Rollen von Mann und Frau?

    I believe everyone has their own mind, their own conscience, and can do whatever they want to do.

  • Schließen Sie schnell Freundschaft?

    I am an INFJ. I am introspective, and very observant. When people realize that I'm not bored and am actually just observing them and getting to know them, then we can develop a close bond.

  • Wo würden Sie gern leben?

    Without hesitation I can say one day I would love to live in Iceland! We have been twice and we are so in love. It is beautiful and cold and everything I would ever want!

  • Was war das Dümmste, auf das Sie sich je eingelassen haben?

    I would have to say...draw tattoos on myself from head to toe with a permanent marker. Yes, you can shake your head...it was very, very stupid.

  • Gibt es ein Leben nach der Heirat?

    YES! I am married and my life is great. Traveling wedding photographers. What could be better?

  • Haben Sie einen Lieblingswitz? Erzählen Sie ihn.

    "Why did the cow cross the road?"
    "To get to the utter side."

  • Lieben Sie Hunde oder Katzen?

    DOGS. I love cats too. But I am literally obsessed with dogs.

  • Wen oder was hassen Sie?

    I hate violence, rude people and meat. Yes, I'm a vegetarian.

  • Das Beste im Leben ist:

    Dogs. Ice cream. Duh.

  • Das Ärgerlichste im Leben ist:

    The alarm going off before 8am.

  • Gibt es etwas in Ihrem Umfeld, das Sie ändern möchten?

    If I could change other people's attitudes to make everyone friendly, I would probably change that. But from where I stand, no changes needed.

  • Was würden Sie an sich selbst gern ändern?

    Hmm...I would like to have more patience. I'm just not a patient person but I think it's a great quality to have.

  • Was würden Sie in der Welt ändern?

    I would like there to be no more animal shelters. All animals have a home and happiness, that is ideal.

  • Haben Sie ein paar Tipps für angehende Fotografen?

    Yes! Be a part of the community and get creative with your work. Don't try to just copy others and become popular. When you find your own style, stick with it and people will see that it's original.

  • Wenn Außerirdische auf der Erde ankommen und Sie sind die erste Person, die sie treffen, was sagen Sie zu ihnen?

    Can I take your picture?

  • Angenommen Sie erhalten den Auftrag, einen Film aufzunehmen. Welches Genre würden Sie für den Film wählen?

    Psychological thriller, for sure. I love that freaky stuff.

  • Morgen werde ich...

    Swimming with whale sharks! I CAN'T WAIT! This will be my second time and it's incredible!