Svatební fotograf Irina Kovalchuk (iriskova). Fotografie z 29.října 2018
Svatební fotograf Irina Kovalchuk (iriskova). Fotografie z 29.října 2018
Svatební fotograf Irina Kovalchuk (iriskova). Fotografie z 29.října 2018
Svatební fotograf Irina Kovalchuk (iriskova). Fotografie z 29.října 2018
Svatební fotograf Irina Kovalchuk (iriskova). Fotografie z 29.října 2018
Svatební fotograf Irina Kovalchuk (iriskova). Fotografie z 29.října 2018
Svatební fotograf Irina Kovalchuk (iriskova). Fotografie z 29.října 2018
Přidat k oblíbeným

Lost in Philippines

I remember this wedding as one of the most lovely, beautiful and international. Ariadna (she is from Russia) and Mariusz (from Poland) met in Beijing, but wanted to have their wedding out of the huge city. They chose amazing villa in Puerto Galera, Philippines, and decided to hold the ceremony on tiny private beach. All guests came some days before the big day and became real part of the whole story. Mariusz aunties cooked the cake, Ariadna's mom and aunties prepared snacks, Arianda's sister made all flower decorations, friends helped to build tent for dancing. There were no make up artists and stylists – so all girls somehow took care about bride's look on the wedding. This preparation united all the people together no matter which language they speak. And that's why it was so special and warm atmosphere there. I was shooting all days of organizing, the wedding day and some days after. It helped to make really full photo story afterwards (and we became very good friends now with the couple and all guests).

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