Svatební fotograf Mihaela Oprisan (mihaelaoprisan). Fotografie z 29.září 2020
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Thank you very much! It is not exactly what I had in mind when I saw that arrangement on the table at the civil vows, but it was the best I could get there. The mayor united them and they ran out immediately. They could not get him to wait for their mothers to arrive...shitty times :(
. . . shitty times for the wedding industry :( There are those who are doing well ;)
I'm doing ok, but I wished things to be better for my bride and groom. I love telling stories and human emotions, I love being close to them and to the party, I empatize a lot and the feelings I get these times are somewhat discuraging ... I do my best to make them feel at the best every moment and make them laugh and pass through some moments that does not work as planned...

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